Revealing Mementos

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We all went to Shibuya station after leaving school. Morgana had gone in my bag instead of Akira's this time. Our little trip to Shibuya consisted of one big conversation about Mementos. His little meows confusing everyone that passed us by. Akira, Ann and Ryuji questioned themselves about what we could be plotting, they didn't know about it after all.

"Morgana, you do realise that's dangerous, right?" I said as we got up the stairs to reach sunlight, going to the main street.

"We're five Persona users. We can take care of it. Plus, we have ways of wandering around without getting in harm's way." He explained. I would've assumed he was talking about my shadow travel, but the way he chose his words... We have ways, huh.

We reached the outside of the metro station. Ryuji sat down, leaning on a wall as he grabbed his phone. Ann, Akira and I were standing around him. Morgana told Ryuji to got to the Phantom Aficianado Website so we could all read what people had to say and started looking for a small target. Ann started helping him scroll the page as they both read the things people posted. They both looked for something serious, but we also needed the full name of the person that was causing trouble. We went through some of the posts until Ann came across a good one for our little mission.

"I don't know what to do about my ex who's stalking me. His name is Natsuhiko Nakanohara." Ann said as she stared at her phone. "It says he's a teller at City Hall." She looked at Morgana.

"A government worker's stalkin' someone...?" Ryuji muttered as he kept on scrolling past the comments on the page.

"That should be a suitable target." Morgana stated with a smile. "Now get the Meta-nav ready." Ryuji almost jumped in excitement, he really believed he was going to go inside a real Palace like all others. Ryuji inserted a name where he had to, but just as he was about to write the location, Morgana told him not to. Usually, we would try to guess what the place of distortion was, but as we were going to mementos all we had to do was write 'Mementos'.

"Huh? What're you tryin' to pull?" Ryuji furrowed his eyebrows at the cat.

"Just listen to me. It should work... I think." Morgana stated. It was rare to see Morgana doubting his own words.  I looked at Ryuji as I smiled at him.

"Don't worry, Ryuji. It will work. Just do it." I told him. He glanced at me before looking back at his phone and typing the word Morgana had told him to. He slowly wrote it and we all made sure we were ready before jumping right in.

Ryuji initiated the navigation and the distortion started acting. Everything seemed to be the same except for the sky and atmosphere, those were gloomier and clearly different from the ones from the real world. I felt light headed, as usual, that was something that wasn't going to go away. Everyone noticed that something was different from when we entered the Metaverse - our clothes didn't change. We all looked around and the first thing we noticed was that everyone that was walking near us was gone, the place was deserted. There was no sound, the world seemed dead. There were no birds chirping, no wind was blowing. Although the silence was deafening, we all agreed that we felt free in a way. Mementos was somewhere different from the Palaces, as such, the others were still getting accustomed to the place. Mona went next to me and we exchanged glares.

"Well, I'm going on ahead. I'll leave the explaining part to you, Mona." I told him as I started getting closer to a wall with shade over it.

"Where are you going?!" Skull yelled while he stared at me as I started going inside the shadow.

"I'm going to check where Nakanohara's Shadow's at." I smiled as I vanished without explaining a thing, that was Mona's job after all. I wondered around the place, trying to locate where our target was, running and jumping through the endless labyrinth Mementos was. The major problem of the labyrinth was that we couldn't use references to confirm whether we had been there before or not, it was all the same - rails and red and black patterns all around. I ended up finding him quicker than I thought I would. Once I had located our target, I returned to the surface.

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