The Stalker

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Ryuji's POV

Instead of going to the Metaverse, somehow we all agreed that we would be focusing on our exams. I still don't know how the hell I agreed with that.

I was at home, on my bed as I did my routine dumbbell exercises. It took me a while to return to my normal exercises, (Y/N) was the one to help me get out of my shit hole and regain interest in my favourite things again. After a while, I finished the exercises and went to get my phone. (Y/N) had sent me a message, asking if she could come to my house so we could study together. I told her it was okay and she replied that she would be right over.

I got up and left my room to warn my mother that (Y/N) was coming and then went back to my bedroom. I sat on my bed and looked around my room, I had to tidy it up before she arrived. I felt like I was being observed by someone, it gave me chills, but I didn't know why I felt like that. Exactly when I was done cleaning things up, the doorbell rang. I got up and went to greet the person on the other side of the door. (Y/N) came inside and we both went to my room after she greeted my mother who was in the living room.

When we got to my room, the first thing that she did was stare at my bed. I didn't know how to react to how she was acting.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked as I got closer to her, looking at my bed, over her shoulder.

"I always wondered why the hell your bed locked your wardrobe, now I know why. I thought you hid your magazines under your bed, but they're in there, aren't they?" She burst out laughing as she asked so. My face went completely red as I looked away.

"I-I dunno what you're talking about!" I stated, as I held her and walked away from my bed with her. "C'mon, (Y/N) you know I have nothing to hide from you!" I told her. She laughed and we then stared into each other's eyes for a second. We were close to each other as I was holding her away from my bed. I was expecting her to push me away, but I was the one to do a stupid ass move and I was the one to push her away.  "So, how's Akira?" I said after clearing my throat.

(Y/N) she shrugged saying that he was okay. She decided we would be studying until the end of the day, and I told her that we should play video games after a while. It went okay. I was still an effin' zero at all our subjects, but (Y/N) did her best to try to support me, which always felt great.

After our study session, I went closer to my television, bending down to get the console ready. (Y/N) got near my manga shelves and noticed my trophies, that were on top of it. She gently touched them with her fingers, cleaning off the dust. I looked at her and my lips were set in a straight line. I got up and walked to her side and we both looked at them.

"Brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it...?" She had a soft smile on her face, almost holding back tears as she thought of everything that she had helped me through. I had hit rock bottom once and she helped me get out of it.

"Yeah... It does. But how about we make new ones? Ones that are freakin' better than those ones too." I said as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the corner of my room, where the console and TV were. She smiled as we each grabbed our controllers. "hehe..." I let out a small chuckle. She looked at me in the eyes. "Remember that nickname I gave you?" I smiled as I looked at the TV, avoiding her eyes.

"Oh, (Nk/n), right? I liked it." I looked back at her and she was smiling. "I know you only used it when we were dating, but my name is still the same, so the nickname can stay. You're my best friend, there's no problem with it at all." She admitted. It hurt to hear that she friend-zoned me again, but I guess it was cool I could still use the nickname I had come up with.

We played some video games, I won most of them. From what she told me, the only times she had ever played video games was at my house. She told me she had no such thing at home and as she wasn't allowed outside, she never really went to the arcade. That would be a great place to take her one day though. We set the controllers down on the floor and stared into each other's eyes. I could tell she was getting weird vibes because she looked at me with widened eyes and quickly avoided eye contact. She slowly got up and I followed.

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