Putting The Plan To Work

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You all grouped up at the courtyard, your usual hangout spot. Ryuji was next to the vending machines they had there, you and Akira were near him as Morgana was on the table between you.

You all had made up your minds, you were definitely going to Kamoshida's Palace and defeat him, ending all of that once and for all.

Morgana checked one last time if they were really sure they wanted to act through the Metaverse even if he could suffer a mental shutdown, to which the boys answered positively.

"Some one almost died because of him. I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him anymore..." Ryuji admitted. To which Akira agreed.

You were discussing if getting rid of a Palace was easy or not when Ann went near you all and asked if the expulsion thing was real. After all, everyone was already speaking about it. And it sure wasn't good for your place as a student council, even if there isn't much time left.

Ryuji found it difficult to understand why she went all the way there just to tell them everyone was speaking about you all. He asked why she did that, and she had a unexpected answer.

"If you're going to deal with Kamoshida, let me in on it too." She stated. No one saw that coming. She explained why she wanted that, even though it was pretty obvious.

"This has nothing to do with you. Don't butt your head into this." Ryuji said. It was cold, but it wasn't like you wanted her to go with you.

"It does! Shiho's my-"

"I SAID DON'T GET IN OUR WAY!" Ryuji yelled at her. She went away, frustrated. You all agreed that it was harsh. But Ryuji felt like you couldn't take her to a place like the Metaverse, and you had to agree too.

You all went to the school entrance and hid yourselves in a dark back alley. You got your yellow hair string in your hand, the one that wasn't injured. You realised you weren't going to be able to do it with your cracked hand, but were too shy to ask one of the boys to do it for you... But you didn't have to ask, one of them got you covered.

"Here, let me help." Akira said. You looked at him with a surprised look on your face. He got the string from your hand and pulled back your hair, leaving your usual bangs in the front free. Ryuji looked at you as Akira helped you. He was jealous because he wasn't the one who had offered to help. He had his arms crossed, looked the other way as he pat his foot slightly.

"Do you really have to do that when you go there?" Ryuji asked. You looked at him, Akira finishing your ponytail. Before you could answer, Akira complimented it, claiming it was 'cool'. You and Akira kept some distance and no one said anything else. You got your phones and went to the castle.

As you went there, the distortion afected you and you fell to your knees, holding your head in pain. Ryuji and Akira noticed it and helped you out, even if they didn't know what was happening. You got up and Kurelin went out of her mask cage so she could heal your hand. You were explaining how the distortion affects you while your Persona finished getting your bones back together. However, Kurelin interrupted you and told you someone else went inside that world with you.

"Huh?" You all looked at your Persona. She pointed behind you all and you saw Ann, running towards you, confused.

You wondered why she was there, but Morgana explained that it was because she was probably nearby when Ryuji activated the nav.

You forced her to leave the Metaverse and she went back to the real world. Once she was out of the way, you all spoke about how you need to be careful the next time you use the nav. Morgana started complaining that he was the one who knew more about it, irritating you and making Ryuji feel bad.

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