Welcome to the game (part 1)

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3rd person's POV

The two teenagers had been caught by the police and were now in an under ground floor, far away from the surface. Because the guards there were cautious, the two thieves were in separated rooms. They were now in their normal clothes. Shujin academy's coat and long-sleeved shirt, black, red and white striped pants or skirt ( depending ) and (Y/N) also had grey pants under her skirt and then they also had their shoes.

(Y/N)' room

(L/N) -chan was on a chair. She had her arms and the chair behind her and they were still cuffed. She was under the effect of tranquillizers which syringes were all around her. The guard that was in front of her had a knife, no one knows the porpoise though. She had a crowd of guards surrounding her because even after a young ace detective told them and even after seeing with their own eyes they didn't believe that it was possible to go inside shadows, but they still prepared themselves.

After a bit, (Y/N) woke up. She was feeling woozy but she could still see everything clearly. She didn't need anything or anyone to wake her up, she was already used to syringes, torturing and- but that story stays for another time.

"Waking up earlier, are we?" The guard asked her.

Every guard in that room was expecting her to look depressed and stuff but she did the exact opposite. She leaned herself back and smirked.

"You don't wish to try me I believe." The guard said.

"I know, I know... I am not allowed to do anything, I believe. You are what they so call the 'boss' around here." She said smirking with her head rose.

As she said a guard that was surrounding her loaded his gun.

"First of all, you need to sign this paper. It's a confession under your name." The guard informed handing me over the paper.

"What if refuse?" She said now without her smirk but now curious.

"After all the things you've been through I believe that if I break you a leg. I could call it self-defence anyway." The guard said making weight on her leg which didn't hurt but almost broke it. Then the guard stepped off her.

"So you guys go immediately with violence, huh?" The girl said looking at the ground. "Let... me... tell... you something... I DON'T let rotten adults like you look down on me." She said with a completely different tone and look.

"Sign it and we won't have that many problems." The guard said. She picked up the paper and signed it. (Y/N) (L/N) she signed.

"Now, you scum. Don't expect to get out of here in one piece." The guard said face to face.

The fact that he called her scum and looked down on her made (Y/N) angry. So she bumped against his head with all her strength. All guards that were around her pointed and loaded their guns as he fell back on his butt. He immediately covered his face with his hand so, (L/N)-chan couldn't see the wound. He was in fact bleeding but he quickly got up and cleaned it up with some piece of paper that was there.

"You little..." The guard said angry.

"You know, if you had respected me we wouldn't be in this mess." She said.

"Like you respect boss..." A guard that was pointing a gun at her muttered.

"I respect people if they respect me." The teenager smiled at the guard.

"You sure talk big." The 'boss' said approaching the girl as the guards also lowered their guns.

"ANYway... Here is a report from a detective of ours that you can go into to shadows. Prove it, be it right or wrong."

"Oh, well... We could have started from there." She replied smirking.

She looked at the guard that earlier had grouched at her. She asked him to shoot her. The guard and the boss didn't want that but she insisted.

"Please shoot me. After all, how could I show you that I can go into shadows if there isn't a big deal?" She asked.

"We would rather want you taking your cuffs." Boss said.

"Fine by me." She replied.

She asked the same guard to make shadow on her arms so she could go into it. He stretched his arm and covered her arms allowing her to put her hands in the 'land of shadows' without the cuffs so they would fall as the arms were there. Afterwards, she got the cuffs out and as they were falling, the girl caught them by bringing the arms back to the real world.

"Does this prove it?" She asked now in a sweet tone, not a frightening one.

"Yes... You clearly are a threat." Boss said that and waved his head to the right indicating something to the guards.

The girl was lifted by some guards and a different guard cuffed her on the ankles. They were lifting her from her arms and she had her head down as she struggled, trying to get out without the shadows, because she didn't have any, it was no use so she quickly quitted. They started by carrying her in front of the boss. He lifted up her chin so she would look at him in the eyes.

"We will give you hell now." The guard said and then punched her in the face.

Her head shook a bit but she got the balance quickly and then spat the boss on the face. He cleaned his face and ordered the guards to carry her to the 'special room'...

"At least it can't be worse than what I used to feel every day..." She thought.

The guards kept on carrying her. The boss opened the door and the subordinates carried her through a corridor. When they got to the middle of the corridor, (Y/N) heard a cough. She looked to the source of the sound. She saw a familiar boy, tied to a chair that was lied down on the floor. It was Akira Kurusu.

She struggled to try to go and help the leader of the team but there was no use. The guards kept on walking and holding her tight.

The boss went in front of course and he got to the 'special room' first. He opened the door and the guards put (L/N) -chan inside some kind of glass cube. They also put a spotlight above leaving her with just her shadow, which is useless.

"Have fun." The boss said pressing a button. He was inside a control room, she didn't even bother to know where he went but she wished she did...

The cube started to be filled with water. They were trying to torture the poor girl to punish her but probably it was a little bit too much.

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