What a relief!

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With the crown off the king's head, it shrank, waiting for someone else to be crowned. The group was walking towards it when regular Kamoshida Shadow rolled and caught it, running with his crown in hand.

He fled and you followed him. Kamoshida cornered himself on the balcony of the castle, seeing no way out of there. "What's wrong? Not running away?" Panther asked as he saw his troubled figure. "Why don't you run?" She continued on questioning him. "Aren't you a great athlete?" She added.

"It's always been like this... All those goddamn hyenas forcing their expectations on me...!" Kamoshida said angrily. "I'm doing this all for them! What's wrong with demanding a reward for that?!" He yelled back at her. "Now you're making excuses...?" Skull replied. Kamoshida didn't say anything back, looking frantically around him, seeing how far from the ground they were.

"Scared?" Panther asked him as she frowned. "Right now, you're seeing the same view that Shiho did." She stated. Kamoshida finally looked at her. "I'm sure she was scared too... Only she had no choice but to jump..." You looked at her, her Persona coming out of her mask. "Would you jump, or would you rather die here?" She asked him. All of you examined the situation carefully. Carmen got her fire skills ready to strike. "Want to finish him off? It's your call." You said as you looked at her. She had an angry expression plastered on her face as her gaze pierced through Kamoshida's Shadow's soul. "No, please wait! I beg you... Just forgive me!" He cried out.

"Shut up. I bet everyone told you the same! But you... You took everything from them!" Panther yelled at him as Carmen sent one of her fireballs at the wall next to him. "I-I accept defeat... You want this? Take it!" Kamoshida threw his crown and Joker caught it with only on hand.

Kamoshida's Shadow was crying on his knees. "Go on, finish me off. You do that... And my real self will go down too..." Kamoshida stated. "You have that right since you've won." Panther clenched her fists, holding back tears at the same time. She stretched her arm and Carmen sent a fireball in his direction. "Ann!" Skull gasped as he saw what she'd done, but the fire ball missed him by just a few centimeters, yet Kamoshida didn't budge. Carmen returned to being a mask as Panther got closer to him. "If his mind shuts down, he can't admit his crimes." She stated firmly. "You're kind, lady Ann." Mona said as he looked at her.

"I've lost... You're through when you lose..." The previous king said with his head lowered. You had your fists clenched for a long time, remembering everything that despicable man did to your best friends. You remember the afternoon he broke Ryuji's leg as clear as day, same goes for all the times he spoke trash about him and Mishima, every time Yuuki appeared in front of you full of bruises. Kurelin came out of your mask and electrocuted him with max force, his yells of pain echoing throughout the castle. Everyone looked at you, you had a mad frown plastered on your face, Panther and Joker tried to stop you as Skull and Mona just looked at you. Joker succeeded in making you stop the attack. "You gave us all hell!" You yelled as Kurelin returned to where she came from, and the attack stopped. "You deserve the same." You told him as you looked at Panther with a calmer face expression. You then smiled as you remembered his painful face expression and screams. "But I'll let your fate be decided by others." You calmed down, feeling the good feeling of revenge pumping through your veins. "Wh-what am I supposed to do now?" Kamoshida asked as he looked at all of you. "Atone for your sins." Joker told him. The king smiled as he started fading, returning to his real self, his distorted desires being taken away with him.

As soon as the Shadow was gone, the Palace started to collapse. You had to make a run for it. You all started running out of there. Once you were close to the exit, Mona went back to being a cat as in reality and started jumping on your heads until he was on Joker's. You were running behind next to Skull, and you noticed him limping, his leg still didn't let him run as he used to. He soon fell and you caught him right on time, both of you running until you reached the end of your track, being taken to the real world.

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