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You went to the faculty office to hear about the missing students. You knew what was going on with them. You wanted to make sure that they wouldn't go that hard on them because they probably went in there by accident.

You leaned on the wall to eavesdrop on the teacher's conversations, until the man that interrupts actions, Kamoshida, did what he does best and asked you what you were doing. Obviously, you had to lie to him again unless you wanted to get caught.

"I heard that 2 students haven't appeared yet. I would like to know more about it."

"Don't worry, (Y/n)-chan. When they come I will call you." He replied smiling.

You nodded and then went to your class, he stared at you until you eventually got out of sight. You stayed in the same room until the bell rang for the class to start. You deducted that they wouldn't be in the cell, so you didn't worry about checking the Metaverse and attended your class normally.

[Time skip until 4th period]

A normal class like others. You were attending the Japanese class. You didn't like your teacher, neither liked the class that much and got bored of the class quite soon.

"Anything new, Kurelin?" You asked.

"Take a wild guess."

You didn't even answer knowing that the answer was no.

The teacher would look at you sometimes. You didn't know why and didn't care either. You were the student counsellor but it didn't mean you had to be straight right? That's how you think it is. You wouldn't skip classes or would behave badly in class. No one had made you do that. Only when someone exceeds the limits, you start to act back as the real you.

You looked out of the window. And, for your surprise, you felt light-headed. You knew that it was probably the two Metaverse tourists. But Kurelin still told you that they were in the real world again.

At that, you left a sigh of relief, knowing that nothing had happened, otherwise you would have to jump in the cognitive world. You hadn't gone to it since your 2nd year at shujin and you didn't really want to skip class. Nothing really happened during holidays that would pick your interest.

You kept on listening to the class and taking the notes you needed. Some minutes passed by until you saw Kamoshida passing by in the corridor next to your class. While walking by, he looked at you and nodded while smiling.

You looked out of the window to see Ryuji, Akira and the counsellor.

You looked at your teacher, raised your hand and got up, leaning on your desk.

"Yes, (L/n)-chan?" Your teacher asked.

"I need to go to the bathroom." You said as you pointed to the school gate with your eyes. You were smart, being so you sometimes already knew the things you were learning, so the teachers would let you go be the student counselor during class period.

"Sure, go ahead." At that, you ran from your class to the school entrance. When you got there, you slowed down and made sure you had your hair down.

"Where were you roaming around until this time?" The counsellor asked. You could hear his voice in a distance as you tried to approach them, as you trip over a bottle, but didn't lose balance. You decided to stop walking and just listen.

"A ca-a castle." Ryuji answered confused.

"So you have no intention of giving me an honest answer." Then, Kamoshida passed by in front of you and said "What's this about a castle?" When going in the scene.

The Place Where We Belong ( Persona 5 x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now