Kai: No, this was a beach.

Chizome: Well, it's time.

Kai: Izuku, as we told you, we would like you to take our quirks, in order to become the greatest hero ever. What do you say?

Izuku: I ... I don't know. You would be quirkless and then ... I don't think I actually want to be a hero. At least not anymore.

Chizome: You're right. Many agencies are corrupt and many heroes are fake ... But there are other ways to become a hero you know? You could become a vigilante, like me in the early days. The only other vigilantes I've ever known are Knukle duster, the crawler and Pop-Step.

Izuku: A vigilante? Do you intend to be against the law but to help people?

Chizome: That's what you want to do right? Helping people. You can do this whether the law is with you or not.

Kai: Well, why not?

Izuku: ... You're right Chizome. I want to help as many people as possible. And I will also do it against the law.

Chizome: This is the spirit. Now Hisashi, if you want to do the honors.

Hisashi: ... There is actually only one thing I need to add.

Kai: And what would that be?

Hisashi: Izuku, you've actually been through hell for the past 10 years and I can't help but give myself an art of blame. If only I hadn't left, if only I had continued to be with Inko, before leaving her to avoid putting her in my villain problems ... You wouldn't have been through this. For this reason and to redeem myself from what I have done and at the same time, I give you ... MY quirk.

Kai and Chizome: WHAT!?

Izuku: A-all for One?

Hisashi: Right. You see, my quirk, as already explained, allows me to steal, use and gift quirks, and well ... I can gift my own quirk too! I'll keep my other quirks though.

Izuku: Are you sure d-dad?

Hisashi then escaped a smile.

Hisashi: Much more than sure, son.

Izuku: Right. Then I accept your offer!

Chizome: Well, let's do it.

Hisashi then put a hand on Izuku's head, giving him All for One.

Izuku: Well, that was easy.

Hisashi: ... strange. It's as if All for One is too small for your body.

Izuku: What ... What do you mean?

Hisashi: In the exact moment I gave you All for One, it's like it has adapted to your body. It has improved to be accepted by your body. Such a thing had never happened before.

Kai: Has it improved?

Hisashi: Yes, but I don't know how.

Chizome: In any case, Izuku, I have prepared a training plan to improve your physique.

Izuku: Wow, this pattern even has hours of sleep!

Chizome: Only the best for our successor.

Hisashi: Well, now comes the hard part. Izuku, to activate All for One you have to imagine yourself as a flame, present within you. Imagine running it all over your body, and then your hands.

Izuku then closed his eyes and almost naturally glimpsed a flame. Pushing it all over his body, Izuku opened his eyes to see a green flame come out of his hand. Izuku then touched both Chizome and Kai with the flame on his hand.

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