16 Years of Service over

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In Afghanistan it was nonstop work and the day Kristina got hurt, it was brutal running back and forth trying to find her troops to see if anyone was safe as one of her sargeant assigned Kristina to do it. As she walked and checked in on everyone, she didn't realized she has stepped on a bomb. Once she fell back and hit against a rock severely broke her spinal cord, she was scared.

"Keneti... Timena.... Arietta where are you?"

She felt small but it was her first instinct- KJ was always there if she got hurt.

She realized she wasn't home and weakly radioed Catelynn, Brianna or Selena to get help. Josh ran as he was panicking and made it over to her looking shocked.

"Oh Krissy."

Kristina had to be carried to the nurses and it was bad and they decided to send her home just like that, her service was over.

When she made it home she was heavily sedated with tubes and all in the hospital. Annabelle and Arietta went into the room.

"She looks good at the moment but her face is bruised a bit."

Arietta says.

Kristina sleepily tries to talk.


Ari smiles stroking her hair and gently kisses her cheek.

"You're home, baby sis."

Kristina tries to talk again as Ari senses she scared and took out her phone to record to show Timena and KJ that she was sedated but tries to talk and out of nowhere Kristina said a familiar nickname that they had not heard in years.

"Timena....Big Bubba?"

As a little girl, Kristina always said this to KJ when she couldn't say big brother. Arietta choked up as she quietly said KJ, remember she always calls you this?

And quickly answered Kristina as she admitted about the nickname.

"Timena is with daddy and Big Bubba...I haven't heard that nickname you gave for Keneti in years- he's coming home sweetheart. Try to rest, honey. We are here for you!"

Kristina was out snoring a bit.

KJ saw the video in the airport in Vancouver choking up. When he got to the hospital with mom, he chat with the doctors: when he asked how bad was the impact, the dr showed him photos before the surgery along with the x-ray and how it looked once she stepped on the bomb, the reaction was how his parents and his sisters knew: he fell to the floor in the hallway sobbing and thanking God as he could not imagine his life without her.

Couple hours later Timena and KJ came in. She was still heavy sedated but she felt someone tap her shoulder and she sleepily look up.


There was Arietta smiling.

"It's ok."

Keneti looked at her.


Timena said.

"Welcome home!!"

Kristina looked at her sibs still shaken up from her accident, but relieved to have them here. KJ could see she still scared, but she happy.

Once the doctors saw that she's awake but still out of it, they tried to explain to her that she is paralyze, but the drugs they given her would not let her grieve the loss of her life before the accident.

"It ok, I have my dad and my siblings helping me."

But she felt something, but couldn't get it out and it wasn't until much later through The Rollettes Experience, through a video experiment that she had grieved.

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