A promise is a promise

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Kristina dreaded the moment but she remembered in the beginning of basic training that all of the girls made a vow that if something happened to any of them, they would be their honor guard at their funeral. Kristina kept hers for Caitlynn: she and Brianna were her honor guard. The service was in NY and Kristina did her job with so much love and it was also streamed so KJ, Matthew, Tessa and Timena were watching the service for Kristina. There were so many stories that the family spoke of so many memories of their daughter, Niece, cousin and friend. Then Caitlynn sister, Diane said.

"When my sister made the decision to be in the Military, we were so proud and at the same time, we were like who will step in to be the sibling she needed while she is away. I have told God to find that person and in the end God found it in Kristina Apa Martinez."

KJ and Timena were moved by Diane's statement and just prayed for Kristina as they watched Kristina held it together and breathe. Diane continue.

"Kristina, you were the answers to our prayers and Caitlynn adored and admired the hell out of you. If I could not answer a question she would needed, you were her to go to. I'm telling you, her response was no worries I would ask Kristina she is the best! We were all thinking by the seventh or 10th statement Of no worries, I will ask Kristina. It was like: We have got to meet this young lady from Auckland, NZ. God did the pairing and we are forever grateful that you guided our little girl."

Kristina choked up but held it together. Thankfully Sergeant Chris let Kristina go up and hug Diane as everyone applauded. Diane said.

"You are definitely now an honorary member of our family and Caitlynn is geeking out in Heaven. We put together something special for you!"

Caitlynn mom and dad put together something special to honor their friendship and gave her a bag full of gifts. Brianna and Kristina watched the clips and it was beautifully done as it brought tears to Kristina's eyes. Then she went up to the pulpit.

"Caitlynn, I'm speechless that you are no longer with us. You were the little sister that I probably had begged my parents like crazy and the moment she got homesick, I knew how to comfort her we chatted for hours and we literally felt like we were long lost siblings. We had a blast good times and in bad. I will miss her being there when I was homesick or when I could not fall asleep and what a voice she had as I'm glad I saved some of her singing moments on my phone. The first time she sang I struggle to doze off after Brianna and I did our night chores like the 14th night and she was like be right back and eventually learned from my sister, Arietta that I literally fall asleep fast to Feed the Birds from Mary Poppins and I have not heard the tune in years and so she came back with the biggest smile on her face, told me bring the blanket and pillow as I was like where are we going and we went to the chapel she instructed me to lay down and then she started. Geez one part of me was impressed by her vocals and the other part thought I was watching the scene itself as I had envisioned myself on the couch sitting with my siblings dozing off and eventually I fell asleep."

She paused to composed as Brianna held her hand.

"She was in our wedding as a bridesmaid when I married my husband, Josh. (Sadly he was also killed in action alongside Caitlynn just giving an idea of how difficult the loss of both of them is for me.) During the moment as I was getting my hair and makeup done, Caitlynn was the hype woman as equally to when I first got married to Matt, Amanda my MOH, she was the extra hype just getting me excited.  Caitlynn gave me a piece of Amanda back for a moment as I was getting my makeup on she had all of my bridesmaids laughing like crazy. Man it was hysterical in the bridal room as my Dad and brother were waiting. She was the best and I hope Matt, Amanda, Luke are just pleased to have you and Josh. Rest In Peace till we meet again. I am happy that I fulfilled the promise as being your honor guard today."

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