Luke's death

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So February 27 Luke was admitted to the hospital for a stroke and Kristina learned from KJ as she was doing her second training. The day that she learned Luke's hospitalization Brianna was informed of it through KJ and Brianna instantly remembered Kristina has been worried that she will not see Luke for awhile hence she just couldn't shake the feeling off since she saw him at graduation.

"KRISTINA HOPE, SIT down. You need to call KJ now he has something to tell you."

Startled by Brianna tone, Kristina did what she was told.

"Hey Keneti uh how are you?"

KJ was scared to break this news to her unaware that she had this feeling.

"Sis, are you sitting down."

Kristina said yes and take deep breath writing back and forth to Brianna until KJ say.

KJ said.

"Kristina, Luke is in the hospital."

Kristina thought like he fell and broke his leg or arm thinking Luke is strong he got this! Uncle Luke is the best ever.

"Ok did he hurt himself?"

KJ was scared to say it.

"No not like breaking a leg or arm."

Kristina sighed in relief but it didn't last.

"Sis you need to pray for Luke um he had suffered a stroke."

A wave of shock went through Kristina as her fear kick in as all the memories she had with Luke hit her. She felt like a wind knocked the breath out of her but kept her composure for her big brother.

"Oh KJ oh gosh."

KJ said.

"I'm worried about you I know that you are thinking about basic training graduation when you saw him. He adores you so much sis."

Kristina said trying not to cry and keeping her composure for KJ's sake.

"Yep. I will be ok all of us we will definitely be praying for Luke."

Brianna could see that she was shaking. She's not ok!

When the two said goodbye and hang up, Kristina broke down falling out of her chair as Brianna held her.

"Oh Kristina."

Chris videoed it all even when she on the phone with KJ to show Tessa as well as her whole family.

"Please pull through Luke!"

She cried.

"Not just for me but KJ, the cast and your family!"

That when everyone gathered around and started to pray. KJ was unaware but she and the troops prayed for Luke everyday and Krissy was hopeful. She went to the chapel that night and prayed till she fell asleep.

On March 4, Luke passed. At 2 am Kristina woke up sweating and shaking.


She knew that she felt his presence and she then thought of KJ.

"Oh Lord give me strength tell me this is not true for KJ's sake."

7:00 am at breakfast she prayed and Ryan, a new recruit said.

"Aww that so sad about Luke Perry."

Silence as Kristina fights every emotions.

Ryan continues.

"You know from Riverdale 90210."

Kristina breathe and silently reads the memo as it stated.

Do not say anything about this to Kristina Apa. Her brother, KJ Apa will break this news to her through FaceTime regarding the loss of actor Luke Perry.

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