Kristina's unexpected surprises

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So couple months before her chemotherapy for both cancer happens, Gary Sinise, KJ's co star from I Still Believe has a surprise for Kristina to honor her 16 years of service through his foundation The Gary Sinise Foundation as she was asked to come to the ballroom of the hospital later in the evening by a nurse. She was wondering what the nurse meant by it, but all she could do is breathe.

Annabelle, her sisters as well as Clara, KJ's girlfriend helped her get dolled up and she was at ease.

When she made it to the door of the ballroom the DJ say: "Please welcome our honoree of tonight Sergeant Kristina Hope Apa!"

Josh escort her in as he whispered.

"Babe, you look gorgeous!"

Kristina said whispering to Josh.

"Oh my goodness what happening I thought we had my service honors already-I'm overwhelmed because of that."

Then she saw the foundation name feeling honored and touched as Gary greeted her.


Gary hugged her and embrace her as she tears up.

"This is all for you!"

He guides her to her table and she take it all in as she moves her chair and looking around her friends and family as well as her military family.

"Ya'll look beautiful and the guys looked sharp!"

She park her chair as Josh ordered champagne for her as well as a corona knowing she nervous.

So Gary did a beautiful introduction of how the two met because of him working with her brother in the set of I Still Believe and then they showed a beautiful video package of not just Gary wanting to honor Kristina, but also those who love her dearly. The staff cued KJ's nomination video and Lord he spoke from the depth of his heart and soul that she cried there was not a dry eye in that room. Then it cued to her sisters and parents, Annabelle everyone from school. then the camera cued all of the staff, troops and everyone as they spoke of the role she played throughout their journey. They also had KJ's cast mates of every single moment in his career take part in this as they adored her to pieces: Shortland Street, A Dog's Purpose, The Hate U Give, The Last Summer, Dead Reckoning, Riverdale, I still Believe, Songbird and even his band Legend. During the video with the Riverdale cast, Luke had a message for her taken couple months before his stroke began and right as the camera cue on her face during Luke message Kristina break down knowing that she misses him to pieces as Josh and the girls came over to comfort her.

"Breathe he is here and he came through for you!" Breanna said.

KJ came over and comfort her knowing that she has not really grieved his passing openly because of the fact she stays strong for her brother and she is still feeling like she's stuck in that structure at times because of the way at the time of his passing Andrea said Be strong for Keneti as it is his costar, but KJ knew the bond that she and Luke shared.

"It ok, I know I'm here."

He whispers wiping her tears.

"I love you, sis. You deserve this night with everything and more."

She smiled as KJ kissed her forehead and said.

"Thank goodness you come over, you know how to bring me back to remind me to breathe and everything is all right with the world."

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