Sasha is here

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The morning of Sasha's birth on Thursday September 23 KJ informed his parents, Timena and Arietta that Clara was in labor and Kristina was informed by her Sarge and Kristina message KJ.

"OMG good luck!!!!!"

KJ smiled.

"Sorry for not calling ya so busy but I informed your sarge."

Kristina respond.

"No worries, bro. Good luck, Clara-breathe and relax as much as ya can."

Then 2 days ago Kristina saw the Instagram post from Clara.

Clara.Berry: Sasha Vai Keneti Apa, born on the 23rd of September. He is a perfect perfection. I am the luckiest to have now two men of my life, filling my heart with this cosmic gigantic vast love. 💓

KristinaApaMartinez: YESSS welcome to the family, Sasha!

Then Joshua ran into the office.

"Grandma, Uncle KJ on FaceTime."

She hold the phone and Sasha was on screen.

"Oh my goodness precious!!!!"

KJ could see she teared up.

"I know it hard you aren't here."

she nodded.

"I'm so happy!"

Then one day Clara and KJ flew in to surprise Kristina and she was trying to calm Joshua down for a nap. When he finally relaxed, she put him to bed then she saw the nursery with Sasha crying and she gently scooped him up.

"Hi, Sasha. Aunt Kristina got you."

KJ smiled at the sight of his Baby sister quietly introducing herself.

Brianna, Michelle,  Annie and Selena came in after Kristina texted to come over to see Sasha.

"Oh my gosh he is so damn precious, K!"

Selena said quietly.

Annie asked.

"Dang, first a mom, then Grandma now an Aunt! Kristina what are you thinking?"

Kristina admitted quietly thinking her brother and Clara were asleep and said something that touched KJ and Clara's heart.

"He is my entire world next to my son and grandson! Love him so much already. Second I am still processing this: I can't believe my big brother is a dad. Clara is a Momma and they created my nephew-this is everything."

Sasha started crying.

Kristina said.

"Are y'all thinking what I am thinking?"

They nodded: the girls sang a old The Chicks formerly The Dixie chicks tune in perfect harmony too. They haven't done singing for awhile since basic training- When they were homesick, they would sing a song for fun as well when Matthew Luke was growing up as well as Josh they entertained them.

"Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirates sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh, my love will fly to you each night on angel's wings
Sweet dreams
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pyjamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, we'll find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh, my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and matchbox cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen, " wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh, my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams."

At the end, Sasha fell asleep. It was that exact moment Clara and KJ picked their Godmother for their son. KJ and Clara instagram the video.

Kjapa: Baby sis, is the best Aunt and soon to be Godmother. (🙏🏻 that she doesn't read this 😬🙏🏻)

Clara.Berry: we found Sasha's Godmother! Yeah 🙏🏻 she doesn't see this.

He Instagrammed.

An: congratulations! KJ and Clara!!!

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