Checking in on each other

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Kristina was eating breakfast when she asks her nurse if she can see her brother.

"Michelle, evennnn though I have seen my brother on FaceTiiimmme, I would like to see Keneti in person."

So the doctors granted her request and she wheeled from the icu onto the elevator to the second floor as Michelle guided her iv. When they got to the door Michelle, let the nurse know that he has a special visitor waiting. After the nurse, Trisha helped KJ out she said.

"You have a special visitor!"

KJ said thinking it was his mom.

"Bring her in!"

Michelle wheeled Kristina in and KJ choked up upon seeing her.

"Hey Sis, how are you?"

Kristina smiled.

"Good. II Jussst want ttto see youuu."

She texted.

I'm bored in my room at the ICU and wanted to check in with you. I hate my stutter that is why I'm texting you.

KJ read the text and said.

"I see."

Kristina then texted.

Thank God you spoke as I fell unconscious because for the first time I was seeing you in the front seat unconscious. You looked as if you were sleeping, thankfully you were breathing. Took a photo of you from the left side rear view mirror. Just to see if this how John looked from Annabelle's memory and she said yes and I told her now I truly get her testimony. My heart shatter for a second and I said to God please don't let me lose KJ, that is my heart and I would be broken without him equally as Annabelle was with John.

KJ teared up as Kristina showed him the photo she took of him. She texted while sobbing.

This was you, Keneti! 😭 I knew you were breathing as I watched your chest rise and fall and I wanted to jump to your side, but I was stuck and dizzy that I fell into unconsciousness and before I did, God answered my prayers. I was supposed to be rejoicing instead, I kept grieving for Annabelle and John when you said my name. This is what I wanted the outcome to be for them.

KJ knew as he sees her crying that she has carried that burden of John's death, but this time he fully understood the burden she truly carried over the years. He slowly got up to hug her being careful with her neck and back brace.

"I know i'm here."

He can feel her shaking.

"Calm down breathe."

She stuttered.

"I'm good."

Deep down it scared her and sees that. Kristina sighed and said stuttering.

"I have been letting go of the burden in John's memory after that reading with Theresa. The accident we just had, the burden came back with a vengeance. I wished I could have done so much more. Just thankful that you are ok as this was my exact fear: losing you."

KJ just hugged her. He just finally get it.

"I'm so sorry. I knew about the burden and what you said at court and how it has affected you over time, but now I get it. I just never understood the magnitude in terms of what John's death had done to you even though you dialed 111, gave the information to get help and in the end, it was the stress that Annabelle put you through as you took the call played in the role since you didn't know she was in the car. I saw that you were trying to explain it in court, but I can see you froze at the memory. I can't imagine the emotions during all of it, I wish I could just take it away from you! I heard it in your voice as you asked if I was ok?"

Kristina said stuttering as she teared up.

"Yeah, the sound of her voice as she calls for John stood and haunted me for years.  That is exactly what cause me to carry the load and grieve every damn year. I said. I pray that KJ and I would never get into this scenario. Look what happened? My voice intensified just like hers as I asked Keneti are you ok? No answer: as it scared the hell out of me. For the first time in my life, I fully understood Annabelle's testimony in court."

KJ felt horrible as he held her hand.

"I could see relief written all over your face when you came in."

Kristina breathe.

"YYYeah don't do itttttt again!"

Kristina admitted as she did try to fight the stuttering but she could not.

"Can I stay with you? Night after night both accidents through my job and now this accident has been waking me up during the night."

KJ stepped out for a moment and broken down into tears as he remembered how she would wake up during the night. Hearing that, he felt like he failed her.

Kristina said awkwardly knowing that she upset him.

"I will go back to my room."

KJ said holding her hand.

"No, I will figure it out."

She did anyway and hours later the drs and nurses moved her to KJ's room and so they were now roommates. It was going to be a long road to recovery for Kristina and he was going to be with her in every step of the way.

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