Saving Joshua and then some

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Kristina was working when her grandson Joshua wanted to go outside.

"Grandma, I want to go outside!"

Kristina said.

"I understand but Grandma is working."

Joshua patiently waited and waited and waited till he got mad that he ran out. Usually everyone has gave Kristina a schedule to know where Annie or Brianna or anyone is at, but this time: no one gave Kristina today's schedule for everyone is working on or located so she knows where they were. Turn out: today was a shooting range with the new recruiters. Kristina follows him to see her grandson entered a recruiting training room. She walked with her walker and picked up speed she ran her butt off unaware what was going on. When Joshua went in the room: Kristina walked in with full of adrenaline she catches Josh, but had no strength whatsoever to speak up. Kristina, unfortunately pushes Joshua away and got shot: she was thrown back against a rock similar to her accident in Iraq.

Annie stop the session and sees Kristina winced in pain and gasping for air.

"Oh my goodness, Kristina!"

Annie said.

Clara looked at her window across is the building where the shooting training is when she hears the shot and then sees Annie mouthing. "Kristina's hurt!"

It turns out Kristina mouthed to Annie to grab KJ and Clara.

Clara panics and ran to get KJ.

"KJ, Kristina got hurt!"

Letting KJ know.

Josh was scared and carried the guilt that he should have listened to her.

"I'm sorry, Grandma!"

He was shaking her to keep her alert, but she fell unconscious.

At the hospital: Kristina woke up and KJ kissed her forehead as the doctor came in.

"You saved your grandson today! Sadly, you are paralyzed from the neck down again unfortunately."

Kristina understood.

"Thank you."

She looks at her trachea tube that connects to the ventilator.

"Deja Vu: except you and Clara are here."

KJ kissed her forehead.

"No one probably given you the schedule as it seems like."

Kristina said.

"I have a lot to do and yes no one gave me the schedule today: so I would be aware where Annie and everyone is at."

She broke down Joshua scared her deeply.

"For a split second, I thought I was going to lose a piece of my son, but I saved him."

Chrissy came in and hugged her MIL.

"Thank you for saving Josh and I can imagine what your thought process was like: it was Matt right?"

Kristina said.

"Yeah, I just said to my brother: "For a split second, I thought I was going to lose a piece of my son, but I saved him. That was the thought process plus adrenaline rush all at once."

Eventually after she got out of the hospital she finished everything in the office and she took all of her time with Sasha and Josh as well as KJ and Clara."

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