Josh and Krissy's wedding

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The morning of the wedding Kristina woke up feeling excited and renewed and her bridesmaids came in.

Annabelle said.

" GOOD MORNING, your highness."

Kristina laughed.

"Good morning, Annabelle."

Her MOH Annabelle and her Bridesmaids Michelle, Vanessa, Lili, Annie, Breanna, Selena, Caitlynn, Clara, Camila and her sisters came in.

Vanessa said as Timena starts to record for KJ.

"Before we all get dolled up we have something special for you and Annabelle put in the work."

They made her close her eyes and they wheeled her to the front entry where KJ and her dad will see her. Vanessa said as Kristina guide her chair to the room.

"As your Bridesmaids, we felt that someone should have been here today and I know that she is with you in spirit as your Maid of Honor for the second time. Open your eyes!"

In front of her was a portrait of all the bridesmaids and it has Amanda using a photo when she stood next to Kristina when she first got married and it was beautifully painted by a company called Paint Your Life. The bridesmaids photo made it felt as if she is there and sharing the moment with Kristina.

She was speechless that she cried.

"Oh gosh, Amanda! I miss you, Bestie. She was on my mind from the minute I had got engaged, wedding gown shopping, bridesmaids gown shopping, throughout the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. Oh my goodness the details and your bridesmaids dresses and my wedding gown oh gosh girls!"

She was stunned that Camila lean the frame over as Kristina rested her head against the frame it was her way to hug the picture. Timena and Arietta expected the reaction because when KJ saw the drawing with Timena, it was similar to Kristina responded as it was a full blown breakdown but at the same time it was tear of joy. He and Timena knew how much Amanda's death gotten to their baby sister and they knew that it would mean everything to her just to have her again on Kristina's wedding day and the portrait just capture it.

"Amanda's here!"

Camila whispered.

The girls hugged her.

"We know you are going to be thinking of her throughout today and Annabelle found the perfect company that can incorporate the current bridesmaids dress so she is your maid of honor again in spirit." Annie said.

Kristina breathe.

"Annabelle, this is incredible you outdid yourself."

Annabelle said hugging her.

"This is my way of saying sorry to Amanda and I wanted to make sure that she is here for you today."

Annabelle added.

"Amanda's mom and bro saw it when it was delivered and they both sobbed and they forgiven me. Then they made sure that Timena and KJ see it, because they knew how hard it was for you."

Timena hugged her as Kristina sobbed.

"Say something to your brother!"

Kristina smiled.

"Oh brother, that explains the puffy eyes of yours and Timena too!"

Everyone laughed.

Timena send the reaction video to KJ and sure enough KJ watch as he sobbed.

He texted.

I told you!!!!! I said it was going to either make or break her.

So they got dolled up and dressed and the bridesmaids came out first and then KJ and Keneti came in.

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