KJ to the rescue

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Once the news of Matt's death spread it was tough for everyone. Kristina was anxious for everything to be over with so she could move on but it was a struggle. KJ decided to stay home to help Kristina with whenever he can.

Kristina came home from planning his memorial service. The biggest task on that day and she literally dreaded: picking the casket. She came home feeling drained and Timena could see her face. She had struggled to sleep at night these days.

"You want anything to eat?" Timena asked quietly.

Kristina nodded and walked over to the kitchen and saw salami, bread, pickles and build her sandwich and decided to read a book to finish homework. After finishing all of her assignment, she decided to go for walk.  She got excited to go out to clear her head when Annabelle showed up. She started off nicely by giving Kristina her condolences. Arietta knew who she was and monitored.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine what you are going through."

Kristina accept it and starts on her run until Annabelle said.

"It was his time."

Kristina put her headset and continue to walk. Arietta says.

"Atta girl keep moving."

Then Annabelle says.

"God needed another angel."

She kept walking, until Annabelle said something that made Kristina lose her calm demeanor and snapped.

"Most of all he deserves to have cancer!"

Kristina for a moment continues to walk, but the words got to her. Arietta, felt it.

"Oh no sis, Timena come out! Kristina is breaking."

Kristina grabbed Annabelle's shirt.

"When he asked me out, you had a damn crush on him! NOW HE IS GONE! HE DIDN'T DESERVES TO HAVE IT! You don't know, what it like to be in the hospital and watch your love one suffer every damn pain!"

The sisters ran out and they pulled their sister back. Kristina scream as she lets the tears out.


Amanda seeing the commotion, ran and said going in front of Kristina knowing how hard the day was for her and was there to help her as Kristina picked out the casket.

"Bestie breathe. Don't put your pain onto her!"

Kristina quietly said to Amanda.

"Let me get her!"

And it became a brawl as Kristina had a bruise. Arietta got scared.

Since Amanda showed up, Timena ran and get KJ.

"Bro, Annabelle, who try to cause Krissy's Valentine day to be ruin, snapped Kristina."

Annabelle knocked Kristina down. KJ ran out and sees the commotion.

"Everyone Stop!"

Seeing her brother thinking he upset with her now, Kristina tearfully ran to the house broken and shattered Annabelle literally torn her apart with her words.

KJ went up to Annabelle.

"YOU! I don't ever want to see you again!"

Kristina washed her face then iced her face.

"So much for a nice walk to clear my head!"

She angrily said. Deep down she felt exhausted from a very long day and the fatigue was catching up with her due to lack of sleep during some nights. KJ came from behind and sees her in tears as she turned to KJ for a hug.

"I'm here."

He whispered.

Kristina felt tired letting sleep take over and KJ immediately catches her knowing that she would be up at times, whispered.

"Thank God." 

and scooped her up and then took her to his room. He laid her down and she struggled to stay asleep but with fast thinking, KJ got on his guitar and played Brahm's lullaby and by the end of the tune, she tucked out.  KJ smiled and said.

"Some things never change."

And he turned off the lights, kiss her forehead and held her close.

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