It's A.... And the shocking truth

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Kristina has been at the hospital since 2 am and it also Timena's birthday! She is tired. The nurse said she needs to move around so Arietta, Timena and Ryan got her up and moving down the hall as it was a perfect setup to lead Kristina to her surprise. They made it to the hospital lobby and who walked in, KJ and Clara with Vanessa. Kristina was speechless as KJ kept his word.

"Surprise Kristina!"

Timena, Arietta and Ryan cheered.

Kristina smiled so big.

"Oh my goodness y'all."

KJ and Clara hugged her.

"Look at you, the baby look like he or she is ready to pop."

Kristina said.


When Kristina got to the room with everyone she was tired but as soon as she got in the bed, her water broke.

"Ok I don't mind that the baby's coming, but not when I got in the bed!"

the contraction began and Ryan was so patient with her and coaching her to breathe. KJ had brought her wet washcloth to keep her cool as she breathe through it.

"There you go easy sis."

Krissy breathe through while holding Ryan's and KJ's hand.

"I'm so glad you are all here."

She cried a little as she spoke and KJ kissed her forehead and Arietta and Timena hugged her as well as Vanessa. Some point after trying to push she took a break until contractions started rolling and the drs felt it was time to push and throughout the entire process, KJ was amazed of Kristina's strength in giving birth despite he missed out the first time. She pushed until a baby boy was born.

"You did it, Kristina!"

Ryan kissed her forehead.

Kristina was worried about KJ and Ryan's hands. Second: a wave of grief went through her as now she can mourn Logan's loss.

"You boys are ok? I feel like I turned them purple in the process of pushing."

The girls laughed as it was true Kristina squeezed their hands almost to the point of breaking them.

"Sorry I sorta forgot how intense laboring and contractions was."

KJ could not believe her concerns for a moment.

"I'm good-I am so proud of you and Clara as you both go through the laboring process. In my mind I was like my baby sis is going to have her baby! Despite missing it the first time."

Ryan sees the nurse brings their son.

"Here your baby boy!"

Kristina teared up knowing Matt's presence is here.

" Hi buddy! Mommy's here. This is Daddy and Uncle KJ! Aunt Clara, Aunt Timena, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Vanessa!"

Keneti asked his daughter.

"What's his name?"

Kristina's eyes watered and KJ took it as a cue that it is a tribute to someone-something had happened.

"Logan 'KJ' Ryan Henderson."

Tessa had Brianna on FaceTime to hear the name.

"AW girly, Logan would have loved the name."

KJ, Arietta and Timena froze that Brianna had talked about Logan in past tense. They remembered meeting Logan on sibling day on multiple occasions through FaceTime, and was truly excited that they have finally met in person that year and couple of times after that. The whole military family welcome Logan just as they did with Matt. After Logan's family congratulated Kristina and thanking her for honoring their son and how much he loved being there for Kristina. Kristina cried in that moment as KJ rubbed her back.

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