Tragedy strucks but 2 babies were born

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Kristina and Ryan was expecting again with twins! During this time she was a little bit early then her due date. After dropping Kristina at the hospital and Ryan embrace her unknowingly for the last time as he was going to get the kids and bring them to hospital playroom/waiting room.  Hours goes by and her sibling came through and Kristina has been anxiously waiting for Ryan and she was worried.

Next hours were crazy: a nurse Marie has watched Ryan bring Kristina in and settled her in her room hours earlier now recognize the gentleman she sees from this morning is now on the stretcher fighting for his life and hours later learned that he and the two kids had passed. She tries to get to the room to announce the time of passing, but Logan beat her to it. Logan was brought in by police and instantly said causing the heart monitors that were on Kristina go crazy dropping the babies and Kristina's heartbeat leading to an emergency C-section.

"Mommy, Daddy Amy and Jackson are gone."

The Police officer explains that Ryan had heart attack that cause him to lose control of the car and hit a pole it impacted killing Jackson and Amy and thankfully Logan survived. Kristina had to stay calm, but mentally it took her back to when Josh died and deja vu it just broke her. KJ and Keneti felt so heartbroken for Kristina going through another loss but raising 3 kids soon.

"I need to step out."

Vanessa and Tessa went with her just walking with her to focus on getting the babies out but halfway through her walk, she broke down feeling pain.

'Oh gosh, Kristina."

Tessa tries to guide her to breathe through contractions and Kristina didn't look good she thought her baby girl was going to pass out. So plan b do an emergency C section. Then the next moment a nurse asked.

"Who wants to sit with Kristina?"

KJ wanted to be there so he got his scrub and everything on and came right over.

'Hey sis!"

KJ could see Kristina was frighten, but immediately relaxed at the sound of his voice.

"It's going to be ok."

He assure her while stroking her face.

Hours they work on getting her babies out.

"First one a boy!"

Kristina smiled but scared he wasn't crying or breathing this has not happened ever in her years with giving birth.

"KJ, my baby he not crying!"

KJ calm her down.

"They got him don't worry they are professionals."

Then the dr said.

"Here the second a girl!"

Kristina tearfully cried.


KJ hugged her with joy as he knew that she had always wanted a little girl to doll her up or get cute clothes.

"She is here!"

Same thing no crying or breathing- Kristina was terrified.

"I am so scared!"

Kristina admitted to her big brother.

KJ felt so helpless, but all he could do was kiss her forehead.

"It going be ok, Kristina."

The last thing she said before she blacked out was.

"I don't feel good, Keneti."

And moments before she blacked out a staff had asked.

"Who's or where is the father?"

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