Kristina's Big Night

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Kristina was excited but soooo nervous with how the movie would turn out as it her first movie. When she and Ryan stepped out onto the red carpet, she shined as Matthew envisioned Kristina all these years and Ryan watched her pose for photographers as Ryan videoed her and honored Matt's wishes.  KJ came out onto the red carpet with Clara and took a moment to pose with Clara and then took a photo of all the cast and crew in the middle of the red carpet. Kristina hugged her brother once she sees KJ in the group of family members taking pictures.

"KJ! Clara!"

The three hugged as KJ complements her.

"You look gorgeous, Sis!"

So the movie was shown and the premiere was a huge success: after the movie, Kristina sees Annabelle, Christian, KJ, Clara, Vanessa and Cami and half of her loving military family speechless backstage.

Gary then introduce all of the cast members onstage one by one then Gary announced Kristina.

"I personally want to introduce you all the main star of the night since it's her first film and this is her big debut in the acting business please welcome. Kristina Apa!"

Kristina wheels out excitedly as her cast mates Kate Winslet, Tom Holland, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mila Kunis embraced her and it was definitely a huge applause from the audience.

Gary calls Kristina up.

"Kristina, come up for a moment."

She wheels over and parks her chair and Gary said.

"Kristina, you nailed every scene in this movie and poured your heart throughout. I wrote the script with you in mind to star it and you missy, surpassed it as you dedicated this project wholeheartedly from day one. his family put it, he was not kidding about wanting you to do acting as he was so impressed with your performance with Romeo and Juliet but you weren't sure as you let him know this was KJ's forte. I have got to admit, Matthew would have been so damn proud of you."

Kristina choke up a bit at the last sentience.

"Thank you dang Gar, you got me crying!!!! No seriously thank you for pursuing me to do this project with my families blessing and all right out of the gate from serving in the army after 20 something years."

There was a huge applauses during that statement.

She continues.

"This was one of my personal goals as I was inspired by my big brother and always looked at the fun aspect with behind the scenes plus goofy videos through insta and Snapchat."

KJ smiled.

So they chat about filming and meeting each other and how well they all get along. After the interview Kristina wheels up to KJ and everyone.

"So...ya'll impressed?"

KJ hugged her crying. While watching the movie, he understood Matthew's enthusiasm and how he had been encouraging her to go into acting.

"I am so very proud of you and now I can see why Matt has been encouraging you about to be an actress, do a movie and win an Oscar after the performance doing the school play. He would be so proud of this."

Kristina smiled.

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