And The Oscar Goes to

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So the awards started off amazing. When Ariana DeBoise won Supporting Actress she did her beautiful speech.

"You know what, now I see why that Anita says, 'I want to be in America,' because even in this weary world that we live in, dreams do come true. And that's really a heartening thing right now. If I took the time to say thank you to every single beautiful person who has lifted me up on this stage, you fine people would be sitting here until next Oscars, so I'm not going to do that. But just allow me to say that it was the summer of a lifetime and I am the most privileged and grateful to have spent it with all of you.

My God, thank you, Steven Spielberg. You're stuck with me now! Yay! Thank you Kristie Macosko Krieger and Tony Kushner and the divine inspiration that is Rita Moreno. You are staring at me right now and I'm so grateful. Your Anita paved the way, the way for tons of Anitas like me. And I love you so much. I'm going to wrap this up and talk about my family, my mother, who is here tonight. Mama, I love you with my whole heart and this is as much yours as it is mine. Some of my tribesmen, my family, my love, Sue, Jonathan, Diana, Anthony. I couldn't do what I do without each and every one of you. Lastly, imagine this little girl in the back seat of a white Ford Focus, look into her eyes: You see a queer, openly queer woman of color, an Afro Latina who found her strength in life through art. And that's what I believe we're here to celebrate.

Yeah, so, to anybody who has ever questioned your identity ever, ever, ever, or you find yourself living in the gray spaces, I promise you this: There is indeed a place for us. Thank you to the Academy and thank you all."

Then Arianna said acknowledging Kristina.

"Last thing Kristina Apa, I saw your movie you did a phenomenal job you deserve the nomination so well. I know you are a huge Hamilton fan through your colleague at work during your time in the military they have sent me these videos. Thank you for your service!"

Kristina smile speechless that Ariana who plays The Bullet in Hamilton is chatting with her.

"Thank you."

She mouthed.

Ariana showed couple videos of Kristina and her friends singing couple Hamilton songs and Kristina was speechless at the video and smile at the memories.

Then Ariana concluded.

"From these videos, you would have been the perfect Eliza Hamilton!"

Kristina smiled.

After a couple of nominations and acceptance speeches, the category Actress in a Leading Role came up and Anthony Hopkins presented the category. After going through the nominees and their scenes and showing the nominees after their movie scenes were shown, Anthony said.

"And the Oscars goes to..."

He opens the envelope and reads.

"Kristina Apa. Brave."

Her family, military family and her Riverdale family were cheering her on. KJ cheered while he sobbed knowing that she worked hard and deep down wishes Matt was here to cheer her on.

"All right, Kristina!!!! Yes."

Kristina was speechless and hugged Ryan then wheeled herself up to hug Anthony and take her Oscar before she spoke, she held up her Oscar once she sees her family!

She spoke.

"Wow....thank you to God first and foremost!!!! Thank to The Academy for the nomination! To my fellow nominees, it such an honor to be nominated alongside you all. To Gary, thank you for showing me that it is possible and the fact that you wrote this film with me in mind I am forever grateful-it was yours and KJ's as well as Matt's family letters that gave me the push. To Kate, Leo, Mila and Tom thank you for being my colleagues and guiding me through the whole enchilada it was the best summer of my life. Shoutout to Christian, Annabelle: thank you for the encouragement. My family, Mommy, Daddy, Timena, Arietta, Clara and KJ, Ryan, Logan, Sasha, Josh and my Riverdale/Military family. Thank you for supporting me throughout I love you so much!!!! KJ, Big Brother: I have said this over and over this Oscar nomination and Oscar is dedicated to you as I always wanted to follow your footsteps since day one not day 5, 10 but day 1."

KJ was crying and fell onto his knees as he didn't expect it while Clara comforted him.

Kristina said.

"I have served in the Military and I have no regret I loved it. Every time you do a movie, the drive was always instilling me to go for this and Matt's presence would always be there and the movie you did that made me say ok, it time was Songbird. We had a girl night Brianna, Annie and I watch it to show support. Never thought that Gary surprised me with the package of the script and I was really excited just couldn't wait to make you proud and Gary ask "do you want your brother to guide you on set?" I told him no I want Leo, Kate or Mila guidance. I just want KJ to enjoy the movie."

KJ blew a kiss still crying because he was so proud and speechless that she won this.

Kristina teared up.

"Bare with me: My final dedication this Oscar and nomination is to Amanda, Luke, Josh, my son Matthew Luke, Caitlyn, Logan and lastly most of all...Matthew."

A picture of Matthew and Kristina came up on the screen. She turned around with Mila's help and sees the picture choking up.

"Oh our picture! How beautiful."

She explains as the Academy understood the backstory hence the photo.

" Matthew was my childhood sweetheart all the way through high school and he was the person who said you need to do this you were made to do this. He had predicted that I would do a movie, have a premiere and walk the red carpet and lastly win an Oscar-his own words and his family confirms. This is why I was so shock to hear my name moments ago and even when I heard my name during the YouTube nominations, I was like Matthew did you do this?  During our time in school, I love his encouragement but at the time, I was trying to avoid the bet that my siblings come up with which was eat clam white pizza if I had switch occupations so I went military which it was my goal since I was 5. I feel Matthew's presence right now and I know he is so proud. Babe, you predicted everything and I wish you were here physically so I can hear you say. I TOLD YOU! I would have said Yes, my love you did!!!!"

She cried hugging her Oscar.

"Thank you all again and Ariana, we did not throw away our shot!"

Ariana smiled.

The last category was best picture and Lady Gaga and Liza Minnelli did announce the nominations. After going through the nominees and their scenes and showing the nominees after their movie scenes were shown, it was time for the results.

"And the Oscars goes to....Brave!"

Gary and cast plus crew went up speechless.

Gary did his speech.

"Thank you to The Academy for the honor and I'm so proud of everyone especially Kristina. Your dedication, drive and passion during filming was incredible and I'm so blessed that I wrote the script with you in mind. I know Matt is definitely smiling down upon you and he is so proud alongside your brother."

Later that night they celebrated at The Vanity Fair after party and KJ said.

"Oh my goodness sis I am so proud!!!!"

The two hug.

KJ did an instagram post using the photos when she held her Oscar and her reaction to her and Matthew's photo and lastly a photo of the two of them as kids till now.

Kjapa: 🥺😭🙏🏻❤️ 🏆 <- (pretend that is her Oscar 🤣) KristinaAHenderson I am so damn proud of you. When I first saw the script that Gary came up for Kristina in mind, I knew she would nailed it. I didn't know what the outcome was going to be and to be honest as her brother, I was scared for her since it was her first movie. Once she got nominated, the first person I thought was Matthew. Man, he would have been stoked and telling her I told you. He knew she had it in her, but I understood that the bet we came up for her was strong that she had stick with Military. I am touched that you dedicated the Oscars and nomination to me as I didn't realize how much you care about my job and how much it made an impact on you until you said that. I love you so much! Go conquer the world sis, you deserve it.

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