chapter 35

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"Luke." To say I was speechless is a understatement.

"Luke!" Another voice yelled. I turn to see Calum by the door I entered through.

"Calum can you wait for a second." Luke gave him a stare before looking back to me. He gave me a small smile. All I could do is stare at my feet. What else was I supposed to do?!

"Luke you took this way too far! Stealing your mate's girlfriend? And using me to help you!" Calum screamed as he climbed on stage. Before I could say anything, Calum aimed and punched Luke in the nose.

"Calum! Stop!" I yelled as I got up on the stage as fast as I could. Calum had Luke pinned on the floor and kept throwing him punches. One in the ribs. One in the cheek. One in the lip. All Luke was doing was trying to protect himself with his arms. He tried pushing him off but Calum kept throwing punches.

"Calum! I said stop dammit!" I yelled as I tugged at Calum's arms. Calum kept punching as if I wasn't there.

"Calum!" I screamed loud as I could. I was literally clawing and pulling at him to stop punching Luke.

"Why should I?" Calum screamed at me as he got off Luke. Luke was on the floor trying to get some air.

"Jessie he doesn't deserve to do this to you! He's playing with your mind! That's what he does! He plays around with things! Did you really think he cares?" He screamed. His voice sounding more and more like Nick. I hold onto my head as I try to block out Calum, Nick or whoever's voice it is. I close my eyes tightly and try to control my breathing.

But the more I shut my eyes the more tears come out.

"Jessie? Jessie can you hear me?" I hear a voice ask.

"Shut up she doesn't need you to make her life any harder than it is." Someone else said.

"Calum shut up and leave me alone, she needs to lie down."

"I'm taking her home. You should probably find a hotel room to stay for the night, cause if I see you I'm the house. No one is going to stop me from beating your ass." I heard someone snarl as I pass out.

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