Chapter 31

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So as you all know we have two new characters.


and Scarlette who will show up in a little bit.

Keep on the lookout cause I will soon be asking for another character.


"So what were you guys talking about?" Cassie whispered as I sat down. Ashton was next to me and Cassie. Next to Cassie was Calum. And across from us was Luke, Trina and Michael. It was kind of awkward since Luke was sitting right in front of Ashton and was sending him glares while Ashton continued to eat and talk to the rest. He is so oblivious its adorable.

"Uh just some things we needed to talk over." I said looking down at my palms. Maybe I can trust Cassie to say the truth...just maybe I can trust someone again.

Cassie POV

"Princess, no there is nothing going on with that girl. She is a interviewer. Can't I have friends who are girls?" I heard a voice whisper scream as I passed the restrooms.

"Scarlette. Princess don't cry. I didn't mean to yell at you. You know how I feel about you crying." I heard a very familar voice say. But it was coming from the boys bathroom... argh why couldnt one of the boys come for Michael why did they have to make me come...woah wait if Michael went to the bathroom. And the bathrooms here are literally per that him talking?

"Look we'll overcome this. Yea I got a plan. One of the lads got a girlfriend and everyone approves! Princess of course they'll like you. I mean who wouldn't like you." I heard him coo. I mentally aww'd, a lady passed by me and scowled at how my ear was pressed the boy's bathroom door. Yea not the best sight to see...ewww I bet she thinks I'm some kind of slut. Ehh well that's her problem.

"Scar, what aren't you telling me? Scarlette." He said going serious. I froze.

"Princess I know you better. You stutter when you're nervous, your hands fidget, and your breathing slows down. Now tell me what are you hiding." I smiled at the little things he notices.

"Scarlette Henderson, tell me right now what you are hiding." He scolded. He sounded like a angry father.

"Don't baby me. You know how I hate surprises." He whined. I almost blowed my cover when I almost giggled.

"Argh but if this surprise involves me losing my hair, I will find you!" He said screaming playfully. I full on smile.

"I love you too princess. When I get my hands on you..." he trailed off. I smirk.

"Of course I wouldnt tickle my princess..." he said slyly.

"I make no promises for no kissing." I had to cover my mouth before a huge awww left it.

"I love you too princess." And then I figured their talk was over. I stood up and composed myself. I knock on the door as if I hadn't heard a thing.

"Michael! Were leaving!" I scream. I smirk as he comes out.

"Wow hold onto your titties I'm coming!" He said as he put his hands up in defense.

"So Mikey... who's Scar?" His face was priceless.

Unknown POV

"Any news of her?" I said as bit my lip and clenched my fists.

"Sorry sir." One of the dumbasses who work for me say as they look down at the ground. These idiots know better than to look me in the eye.

"Bring our little CEO in." I said with a grim smile as he went out my office. I turn my chair towards the window behind me. I cross my legs as I think of her.

Her jet black hair. Her short pale legs. Her stubbornness. Her innocence.

I smile at the fact that I will have her one day. She'll see how my life works here. She'll finally see how a real man lives. Not like the weaklings of those boys like Hemmings.

My face turns to disgust as I picture him with her. She is mine and no one is going to take her away from me.


Sorry I've been really inactive. I had to study for finals and I had some problems...

So what ya think? I'm going to update another chapter today :-)


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