chapter 43

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To celebrate my 30.6K reads (tbh I have no idea what is the exact number of that. All i know is that its a big number) I have decided to make another chapter.

Sooooooo here it goes yay!

Jessie POV

We've been driving for hours. Yea i should be complaining how I might die and who these people are. But people! I am very uncomfortable! These idiots just through me in the car, so I'm just trying to get comfortable, oh wait I can't move!

Sorry a cranky and uncomfortable Jessie is not someone you want to mess with.

Cassie was still unconscious. That towel has a really strong smell, even I was far from it but I almost felt like passing out too.

"Fuck, Jake didn't leave the gate open." The Brett guy said as he hit the steering wheel. We had stopped, I looked out the window to see a huge mansion. A wire gate seperated us from the mansion. Wait why is raining? Why isn't there heat or stuff you see in LA?

"I see our little job is awake." The disgusting voice of Oliver said as he looked at me. Wait awake? Wasn't I awake this whole time?

"Looks like you used too much on Cassie and less on her." He said to Brett. Brett just shrugged.

"Well little lady, might as well tell you our destination. Were at the house where you will stay and will not give any problems, capeesh?" Oliver said. I wanted to punch his stupid grin.

"Oh yea where not in Kansas anymore." Brett laughed at his horrible little joke.

"Sometimes I want to just shoot you." Oliver said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Where the fuck is Jake?"

'There he is." Brett pointed to a short boy. He didn't look older than 17.  He was running towards the gate and pressed a few buttons and the gates opened. Speaking of which, Brett was wearing a ski mask...hmm

"Where the fuck have you been?" Oliver yelled as we drove to where this Jake stood in the rain.

"Uncle made me go take care of Isabelle." His voice was squeaky meaning he probably hasn't hit full puberty yet.

"How is she?" Brett said with concern.

"You can take off the mask already, and she's still sick." Jake said. Am I invisible or????

"Yellow fever?" Oliver asked. Hmm this Isabelle sure is important.

"Doctors don't know what it is." Jake said sadly. I didn't notice Brett had taken off his mask.

Brett had a little stubble. Blue eyes. And black hair that was messy from the mask. To say the least he was smoking hot, but this whole kidnapping me and being an asshole thing kind of killed it.

"Well better get her to uncle or else you guys are done for." Jake said. Oliver nodded and proceeded driving. We finally stopped and Oliver parked us at the side of the mansion. If I weren't kidnapped and maybe saw this mansion somewhere else I wouldve said it was my dream house except....well for the fact of the kidnapping.

Brett came and took me out of the car. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO RELIEVED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!

Wait I'm not wearing my hospital gown...did they...eww

I was wearing some jeans and a grey loose sweater. I had on some white vans. I was impressed with the kind of fashion sense these people had.

But if I find out Brett or Oliver changed me...hell will break loose.

"Take her to his room." Oliver said to Brett as he got Cassie out the car. We finally walk in the mansion, inside was like the 50 shades of grey kind of house. (A/N: don't ask. Just go with it)

"Boss." Brett called as we walked up some stairs. There were people walking everywhere with a gun in hand. A maid passed by in a grey uniform she kept her gaze on the floor.

There was no answer so Brett opened a door to a room. (A/N: duh)

The room was the color of navy blue and the covers of the bed amd curtains were grey. It was a pretty good looking room. It smelled of cologne...that's when I freaked out.

Shit. Shit. I'm going to get raped. Shit. Shit. I didn't even finish my nutella jar at home.

Brett laid me down on the bed.

"Boss will be here shortly. I suggest you don't anger him. Do as he says. And please don't try anything. There are people surrounding this room and they won't be as gentle as I am." Brett sighed. I furrow my eyebrows, Brett is actually helping me?

"Take care. If you need anything tell them you're looking for Brett." Uh dumbass I'm kind of disabled as in I can't move or talk.

"Boss will explain everything. Sorry I never wanted to do this but he go--" he gets cut off by someone opening the door.

It was Damon. But he looked like he got a total makeover but he still had the same creepy pedophile look.

He was wearing jeans and a ugly brown striped shirt. His hair was spiky and glimmery from the use of gel. And he was wearing glasses. He looked like a nerdy pedophile.

"Leave, now." He said to Brett who kept looking down at the floor as he left. I actually take it back. Id rather have Brett with me than be alone with Oliver or Damon.

"How was the flight, my love?" He said as his disgusting hands roughly stroked my cheek. I wanted to smack his hand away but sadly I can't.

"Why don't you answer me?" He taunted. He knew. He knew I can't.

"So Jessica I have brought you here with me. Its way safer than out there, in the real world." Safer? YOU JUST KIDNAPPED ME!

"Oliver probably told you that there is no escape so don't even try." Well if he thinks im not going to make a run for the door as soon as I can. He is way wrong.

"We wouldnt want anything to happen to those 'friends' of yours. Especially Nate and Cassie." He gave me a smirk. Can someone just kill me now? Please, it would be way better than having to see his attempt at threatening me.

"So you will do as I please got it?" This fucker doesn't know who hes messing with.

"You will love me."

And just like that I kicked him where the sun does not shine.


Fave color?


If I were to have a superpower what would it be?

Invisibility cause I'd be able to sneak in to concerts and be able to do pranks.

If you were to choose to be a girl or a boy what would you choose and why?

Tbh I'd be a boy. Cause no periods and cramps. Plus I could just wake up and not care how I look. And let's all be honest here, I'd be a hot ass guy.

Any pets?

I got a bulldog who is 1 year old.

Fave bands?

There are too many to list. So I'm going to say all of the above.

Fave animal?


If you could change your name, what to?


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