Chapter 3

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 Its finally the day I get to work at iHeart Radio! And I'm so excited, I barely could stop fidgeting in my car seat as I drive over to the studio Cassie told me to go. For some reason there was so much traffic, I mean there is traffic in L.A., but come on this is ridiculous. I kept seeing a lot of people walking towards the directon I was driving towards. I grunt in frustration, not an attractive thing to do. I bump my head on the steering wheel which causes it to honk really loud.

"Great. Late on the first day, I knew I should've left earlier but of course I had to help that lady carrying in her bags." I say talking to myself angrily. A honking horn catches my attention, I see a Black Range Rover pass by with people, more like girls and crazy paps right behind the car. The car kept honking and then a dude with red colored hair stuck his head out and that made the crowd of girls scream. I cover my ears. The car passed by with all the traffic finally passed by. I started muttering something about people being crazy, and something about red hair.


"Jessica Bourbon?" A girl with crazy dirt blonde curls asked as a question. She had freckles around the bridge of her nose. I was enying her green sharp eyes that stuck out from her olive skin. I nod and she motions me to follow her.

"Sorry I'm late. Its just some assholes just had to cause a scene and make traffic." I said rambling on. She gave me the curious look.

"Assholes?" She asked looking amused. I nod as she starts laughing. I give her a questioned look. "If only you knew." She wheezed as she led me to a recording set. People were already sitting down, mostly girls with posters which said 5sos or five seconds of summer. Cassie nudges me. "This is the reason you were late." I grit my teeth. So those were the assholes who made me late, wait until I get my hands on them....

"Hey its five seconds of summer!" Some announcer yells as all the girls start to scream. I roll my eyes as me and Cassie sit on some empty reserved seats for us in front. She gave me a notepad and a pen. I gave her a confused look.

"You have to take notes. Cause you're going to have to interview them later. And I don't want u to interview them without knowing anything about them." I nod in approvement. I try to keep my annoyance in because I really didnt want to face these assholes who must be stuck up.

I raise my head to see a Asian looking guy with blonde streaks sit down, he was cute. The girls screamed. A curly haired guy with glasses sat on this box, he was cute. The girls screamed. The dude with red hair from this morning then sat down, I grit my teeth but I must say he was pretty cute. What do you think the girls did? Yea that's right, screamed. Then a not with a blonde quiff seemed to be just out of it, he kept looking gloomily at the floor. The girls screamed but he seemed unfazed he just looked like he was having a hard time. Then he turned and sat down. And that's when I had a gut feeling but I ignored it.

"Hey its us..." says the curly haired one. Which causes the room to burst into giggles.

"Well as you all know we're Ashton, Luke, Michael, and me. Calum." Said the Asian looking one. He seemed to have a little of anger in his voice. Wait Luke..... I remember that name. One of my most feared things actually, but he couldnt be in a band he probably is in jail for dealing or killing someone.

"And well as you all know we are staying here for a month." Said the red head.

"So this is a cover of teenage dream." The blonde stated very blandly. The curly haired gave him a 'wtf look. The Asian just rolled his eyed.

"Uh, well um he he" the blonde said now rubbing the back of his neck. We made eye contact before this. He looked like he was trying to find a escape from the little giggles fans were making by his awkwardness. I rolled my eyes.

"Um so here it goes." The red head stated trying to break the tension that the blonde was causing.

(I don't know all the lyrics so...) "skin tight jeans live a teenage dream...." as the blonde finished the song it seemed familiar, his voice but it just couldn't be him. He just couldn't be in my life again after what happened to my brother.

Then as the blonde stopped strumming he looked me straight in the eyes as I just averted them elsewhere.

"Awwww Luke got a crush!" The red boy gushed out causing the blonde to gasp as the girls started to giggle thinking it must've been one of them.

"Oh so that's why you were jagging it off in the other room." The curly haired said trying to hold in his laugh. The girls gasped and laughed at the same time. Luke or the blonde boy started to blush.

"Luke admit it!" The Asian one said and then I heard him mumble about something of keeping secrets.

"I won't. Cause that person doesn't like me and doesn't want to know anything that has to do with me." The girls started to gasp at his comment. Then they started making a few comments about her being crazy or being a whore....well then these girls get jealous fast.....

" Cassie aren't we suppose to do something?" I whisper as I look over at her and she just shakes her head and wiggles her eyebrows at me. I give her a confused look. Damn these people are really layed back.

"OK calm down. I was kidding." Said Luke seeing the commotion he caused. The girls stopped and just stared.

"Well now that fake lover boy here has made things a little quiet let's take some questions." Said the curly haired one. He must be the one who is the most responsible. I roll my eyes at the drama these boy cause. The day carries on until I have to leave and prepare for the interviews with Cassie.

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