A/N must read

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Hey I get it you guys must be pissed off...well I'm sorry I had writer's block and also technical difuclties were made.

Well how u guys liking the suspense? Is it too much?

Um well I wanted to get to know u guys a little more. So um can we do that reader and author 20 question thing? Just ask me a question and I'll answer it in my next A/N. Well oh yea! What ya think about the You Suck song? That girl is so mean, Michael is a beautiful being!!!

Also about that rumor of Calum and Stella being a thing...does anyone know if it might be true or if it is just a rumor?

Well I want to make up for what I did to u people :-) I will be updating daily now. It might not be as good some days because it may be in a hurry sooooo yea. BUT I WANT TO MAKE IT UP TO MY LOVELY TADPOLES SO LOVE YOU! AND DONT FORGET TO ASK ME QUESTIONS!


Player (Luke Hemmings fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt