chapter 20

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Luke POV

I can't get her out of my head. Even though as soon as we arrived to her flat. She ran to the door and locked it before I could go inside. So I've been outside the door banging on the door for her to open it. I can hear her laughing...sounds like angels Luke stop being a softie.

But fuck it. Its my life. I can do whatever I want. I can fall in love with whoever. I can buy whatever. I can do whatever cause I'm punk rock!

"Shut up Lucas!" I hear that beautiful voice shout. I groan. Did I just say that out loud?

God, I'm whipped.

" Jessica open the door!" I whine as I knock hardly again.

"Why should I?" She dared back. I chuckled, same old Jessie.

"Cause I'll blow your house down!" I said laughing my ass off. Jessie's neighbors gave me strange looks. I flipped them off. Its not like I'm going to get punished.

Sorry guys i was supposed to post this yeterday but I fell asleep! OK continue reading.

"Jessie come on! I'm cold! I'm hungry!" I whined. OK I had to admit I was hungry.

"Then go home!" Jessie yelled back. I could hear her laughing.

"Fine!" I said chuckling as I made my way back to the mustang. I sighed as I looked up and where her apartment was. I saw she was looking at me through the windows. She pulled on the curtains when she saw I caught her. I left with a huge smirk on my face.

When I got in the driver seat, my phone started ringing. I sighed and answered it without even checking who it was.

"Luke what are you doing man?" I heard that voice ring through my phone. I clenched my teeth as I realised who it was.

"What do you want?" I snarled at him. How dare he even call me? Much less act as if we were friends.

"Oh same old Luke or should I say Lucas Roberto Lemmings." My eyes widened. That's exactly what Jessie said before we left to Walgreens.

"I said what the hell do you want?" I started to yell. But I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself.

"Ah want to go straight to business. I see Hemmings.." I heard him chuckle. I heard a few glasses being clinked in the background and a few men laughing drunkily.

"Yes, moron. So what do you want since from what I hear your not in jail so you don't need bail money." I said referring the background noise.

"OK Luke, you know what I want. But you decided to let it runaway from you." He said as I can imagine him already making a fist and biting his cheek. He always did that when he thought of 'her'. I bite my tongue from saying anything. "So I have another mission for you. Get her back." The last part he basically breathed out.

"I don't work for you anymore." I said swallowing the few selected words I wanted to say.

"Oh Hemmings do you really think that you can just quit like that? The only way you can quit this life is when you finally stop breathing." He said menacingly.

"But I don't know where she ran off to." I said making up lies.

"Luke you know better than to lie to me. You were just at her door." I can imagine his grim face as my jaw drops and my eyes widen. "Ah and don't you dare think about running away like that little sister of hers." My blood boiled as soon as he said those words.

"Y-you killed her?" I said, my hand was shaking with the phone. My voice was starting to crack not cause I was afraid but because I was furious.

"Dear friend you should know better than that. Of course I wouldn't get my hands dirty I paid someone else to do it." He said chuckling. I breath trying to calm myself.

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