Chapter 54

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I still can’t believe someone would even think of doing this. What have I ever done to Marcus?

Here I am staring into the mirror, in a long sleeved dress and my hair in a bun…still in a wheelchair. If I stare a little longer in the mirror I still see my mother behind me trying to get me to look to perfection.

My eyes are all puffy, from crying all night. Reality had wakened me, my brothers are dead, and my mother is dead. It’s my entire fault. I let out a sob as my father comes out looking more distressed than me.

“Ready?” He asks me, as I nod. His grey hair is sticking up everywhere; his suit looks to be wrinkled. This isn’t the same conservative, good-looking father from yesterday. He is now a heartbroken father.

Over the past few weeks, our relationship has improved. We have learned a lot about each other, but it still isn’t clear to me why he left us. Maybe he’ll tell me sooner or later, but for now it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to bombard him with questions, today I just need a shoulder to cry on.


As we leave the car, I see a lot of people I haven’t seen in years. Most were close friends but the rest were family members who looked like they had better things to do.

I keep my head down as my father pushes me through the crowd. When I look up, I see three caskets, one white while the other two are black. The white is my mother’s. I wanted to fall on my knees and cry. I won’t ever hear her laugh, I won’t see her make fun of Luke, and I won’t see her play with her hair as she reads the newspaper. This is real. She is gone.

Karen, a very tall firm looking Hispanic woman is next to one of the caskets along with a girl I recognize to be Mel’s sister.

Mel's sister, is wearing a black work suit, something she usually wears. Her hair is platonically straight and dyed with highlights. She wears glasses to look "professional". She was the uptight one, while Mel was the very...different one. Karen and Rosa, Mel's sister, looked like mother and daughter. But Mel was different, she was more tanner than both of them. She always wore bright-ish clothes while Karen and Rosa wore very uptight clothes. They also had uptight personalities but who am I to judge?

I decided not to go to Mel's casket first knowing Rosa would blame it on me, and it'd probably end up into a big fight and blah blah blah.

So I went to Nick's casket. Nate was already there along with some whore my brother was with, she was delusional. She thought they were "dating" and that they'd get married and whatnot. But my brother never really liked her. He only dated her so when he broke her heart, James, my brother's nitwit friend could be the shoulder she could cry on. But their plan didn't go as they thought.

I saw my brother in all his glory in his casket. He looks old, he got a stubble, his hair is messier and longer, and his skin looks like its rotting. But I still reached in and poked his dimples. I smile at how he would've slapped my hand away and would've said I was ruining his manlihood.

"Nicholas." I breathe out. His name was from my grandfather who had died a few days before Nick was born. Nick hated how formal his name sounded so he literally threatened us to never say his real name ever again. I still remember how funny he looked the day he warned us on his first day at third grade.

"Jessica, mom, please don't say anything." He begged on his knees before we left. I continued to giggle and kick my feet as my mother was trying to put on my shoes. It was my first day at first grade, while Nick was going to the big kid's classes.

"Honey, you shouldn't be ashamed of your name," Mother smiled as she finished tying my skechers,"Nicholas was your grandfather's name."

"And Grandpa was old." Nick groaned as he struggled to put on his backpack.

"Nicholas." Mother gave him the look of dissaproval. Hurriedly Nick started to cower back.


"Sorry mama." He whispered.


"Its ok." She sighed as she looked at her watch. "So what do you want us to call you?"


"Hmmm Nick." He smiled. Mother nodded.


"Jessie you better say Nick or I will break that new bike you got!" He pointed at me. I laughed.

"You know I would'nt do that baby sister." He came and hugged me off the couch. "Just don't say Nicholas."

I sigh as I remember how I was afraid he'd actually break my bike. But ever since then I would threaten HIM. I would always get my way like that, like that time I made him cancel his date with Ness, one of the popular girls, just so he can take me shopping. Ah good days.

"Jessie, you ok?" Nate looks at me, until now I see his arm in a cast.  My eyes widened.

"The real question should be, are you ok?" I look at him alarmed.

"You're the one in a wheelchair." He points out.


"So Marcus' men?" I said pointing at the cast.

"Yup, got a few of them down though." He sighed as he looked at my brother. "He was a good friend."

"And a good brother." I gulp, I don't want to cry. I have cried to much and knowing Nick, he wouldn't want me to cry.

"You can always cry Jessie." Nate puts his hand on my shoulder.


"I'll give you a little alone time."

I sat there for who knows how long. Memories taking over my thoughts. I smile as my father comes up and tells me its time to see my mother. I nod as I say my last goodbye to Nick.

I see my mom, wearing a smile. I smile along with her. She is pale, she has been pale ever since she found out about her cancer. Her black hair was curled and styled perfectly. She was wearing a blue gown my father had gotten for her on their anniversary.

I want to cry at how beautiful she looks, like a queen.

So I do, I say goodbye and end up telling dad to take me to the nearby bouquet I pull out a daisy and put it in her hair. Perfect.

"Ready for Mel's?"

"Has the stepmonster and Karen left yet?" He glares at me, I grunt.

"You know she is your sister now."

"Me? Her? Sisters? Ha!" I scoff.

"Jessie you got to at least try."

"Fine." I groan. As we approach Mel's casket, Karen smiles at me as she passes while Rosa gives me the dirtiest look ever.

"Hey Mel." I say calmly as I see Mel looking asleep. She wore a dress she wore to her graduation. It was a white tight dress, sofisticated. I frown, she would never look like this. Even her hair didnt look the same.

"I miss you." I whisper.

"I missed you too." Luke kisses my cheek. I smile as he holds my hand. We both look at Mel.

Almost a month ago we would be on the road with Nate...look at us now.

"Babe, its time to go." I sigh as Luke pushes me. I see my father at the corner of my eye at my mother's casket.


There is a picture of Luke and Jessie. Who ships JUKE?

Also the sequel will mostly take part in Scarlette's POV and Michael's.


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