chapter 45

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A/N: I have decided to end this book on valentines day....let's see how this goes...I will probably be updating constantly if I plan on doing this...but I'll inform you guys if it doesn't work out the way I planned. Also I changed my @ on Twitter. Its @xclipsedcth soooo let us carry on.


Jessie POV

Its been three days. Do you understand how it feels to have someone feed you? Yea my mouth works perfectly now. Marcus has been having me do physical therapy sessions, in the house, and going to the doctor, of course in the house.

I learned from Brett that we aren't even in damn USA anymore. Were in London.

"Who is Isabelle?" I ask while me and Brett were having our daily talk. Here i am trapped in Marcus' room. Trust me its hard to sleep in the same bed as him. I'm just laying there stiff like a log. And then he takes advantage of me not being able to move.

Not in a sexual way but like hugging me and squeezing my butt. I almost killed him when he did that.

Well I can kind of move now not normally but a few movements in my hands and a little on my feet. I can't really stand and walk or do normal things yet but I'm working on it.

"Isabelle? Where'd you hear that name?" Brett stared off somewhere else. Something I noticed he did when he was hiding something.

"Brett." I give him a full on glare.

"Isabelle is my wife..."

My jaw basically is lying on the floor and my eyes are basically the size of saucers.

"W-wife?" I stutter. To be honest I did wonder about Brett I barely knew some things about him. I knew he was close to Marcus and he was also a big brother to two little baby girls who live close by. He also loves to play poker and he also hates working this "job".

"Yup married for three years." He said proudly but his tone made it seem there was something else he wanted to say.

"How old are you?" I study him. He has to be about 20.

"24" I was close.

" she's sick?"

"Its none of your damn business." He snarls at me. I guess I asked a sensitive topic. "Sorry...its just..." he wipes his face with his hand.

"I understand." I nod. It must be hard for him. His wife and then this job that he hates. Does he have any kids?

"Do you got kids?" I ask slowly wondering if I'm walking on thin ice.

"We had a girl." He says giving me a weak smile. "She died at 6 months. She had a heart problem...I forgot what it was called." He said furrowing his eyebrows as if everything he was remembering was a blur.

"I'm so sorry." I coo as I squeeze his hand. Poor guy.

"Its fine. Izzie was attached to our baby girl as soon as she laid eyes on affected her the most....a few months later Izzie started feeling sick and sicker each day, the depression wasn't helping the pain at all." Brett said as he looked down at his feet. I don't say anything as tears rim my eyes.

"I took her to a hospital they didn't help. All they said was it was a virus. But I knew Marcus...he is related to Isabelle. He helped me with having her stay here with me. He gave me this return for professional medical attention for Izzie." He wipes a tear from my face. Wow this man has been through hell.

"Don't worry. She'll get better...I just know it. My Izzie was always a strong girl." He smiles. I squeeze his hand unable to say anything.

"So what has Marcus planned for this wonderful day?" I ask trying to change the subject.

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