chapter 28

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I dedicate this chapter to a friend of mine. Her name is Trina.



After we decided to hang out with the 1D boys later. Me and Cassie went to the meet and greet with guess who? Freaking Ed Sheeran. I love this job if this is how its going to be everyday.

"OK before we go in we have to go check up with Trina." I give her a nod. I was basically following Cassie like a lost puppy.

"And after we go see your Lukey." She says wiggling an eyebrow. I roll my eyes. Not gonna happen...although I wished I did.

"Who is Trina?" I asked trying to change the subject. We were currently at the back of the secret location of the meet and greet. Which was a Burger king.

"Trina is one of my friends. She works with us at the studios but she has lately been on fieldwork for the studio. She was suppised to meet up with us here at the meet and greet and she'd come with us to the 5 sauce interview." She said as she looked around searching for this so called Trina. She fibally found her she waved over a girl about "5'10.

One simple word to describe Trina was pretty. She had black hair but a faded blue at the end. She had grey stormy eyes. She wore a black dressy leather jacket. She had a grey tank top on. And she had some ripped skinny jeans on. She wore some black and white converse. But she was still taller than me.

"Hey whore-an!!!!" She yelled out calling to Cassie. She hugged Cassie.

"Hello to you too biatch." Cassie said giggling.

"Is this the newbie?" She said as she looked at me. She blew a bubble from her gum and it popped and she kept looking at me. I felt intimidated.

"Yup. Jessie this is Trina." Cassie says smiling as we go in the meet and greet. Trina had a camera around her neck.

"Photography?" I asked as I stared at the camera. Nick used to be into photography...

"Yup, dont be scared but I'm a pap." She said smiling using her hands to pretend she was taking pictures of me.

"Wait the studios have their own pap?" I said confused.

"No but the studios have a alliance with the gossiper magazine." Trina tries to explain. Oh wait the gossiper as in the news that me and Ashton were watching. Oh shit.

"Who is running the 5sos mystery girl story?" Cassie asked as we take a seat on one of the fold up chairs. I suddenly tense up.

"Oh me but its been a little slow lately. Its hard to find out who this girl is." She says as she pretends to wipe away a sweat.

"OK get your camera ready?" Cassie said as she got out a notebook and a pen. I look down at my empty hands. Oh well, I got my phone.

"Holy shit its Ed Sheeran." Cassie said with wide eyes. Same girl same!

We all stare at him gawking.

"Hello ladies." He said as he sat down. He had am acoustic guitar by him. Trina's flash of the camera broke the silence.

"Oh my god. Ed Sheeran is in front of me!"

"Literally completed life goals!"


"Ed the ginger headed music God!"

We all just started fangirling. Ed looked like he was going to get attacked. His eyebrows were raised and his eyes wide open.

"Girls, one question at a time." He said as if he handled this situation many times. Which I think he has.

"OK um well hi." Cassie fangirled.

"Hello." He answered back smiling. This earned him a few giggles.

"Um well I'm Trina. This is Cassie and that's Jessie." Trina said as she smiled like and idiot. Actually we are all smiling like idiots.

"We have some questions. Do you have any new music for us?" Cassie asked as she took notes and Trina took pictures. Well don't I look like a loser...

"Yea I do. Any of you know how to play guitar?" Cassie and Trina shook their heads. I rose my hand. Yup total loser....

"Jessie right?" He said chuckling. He hands me the acoustic by him.

"Can you play the chorus for A team?" I nod but regret it.

I start strumming c least I thought it was c chord and then I strummed a g minor chord. Then a d sharp. Ed, Trina and Cassie were laughing their asses off. I pouted.

"We can work on that. Well first of all you skipped two notes. Second you need help with the strumming. know what I'll teach you it." He said smiling. I freaked the hell out. Ohmergawd!!!!!

"Wow, what is the news that you decided to have a meet and greet? And where is everyone else..." Cassie asked.

"I had some news. I am starting a kids program. To spread awareness of music and arts to kids in need. I've been working with some small towns who have had a hard time trying to afford artistic programs. And so far its been a success. But I want to make it public. And you guys were kind of early." He chuckles. Wow that's very nice of him.

"So is that all?" Trina asked as she snapped a few more shots.

"Yup. Jessie when you want that guitar lesson tell Cassie, she got my number." He said as we waved goodbye.

Now to go see Ashton :-)

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