chapter 19

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"Hey, do you know the aisle where the rubbing alcohol is?" Luke asks not even bothering to go look for it himself.

"Aisle 5." The old man grunted as he continued to read a catalog. Walgreens today didn't seem crowded. There were a few people in the aisles but they looked like they were just browsing.

Luke takes my hand and pulls me with him to aisle 5. I roll my eyes, he probably thinks I'm going to get lost or runaway or something.

"Luke you can let go of my hand." I whined as Luke stopped. He looked down at our hands and let go. Me and Luke's cheeks turned a few shades of crimson. I giggle quietly.

*mental slap* thanks reality!

"We should uh probably hurry up. You probably got things to do." I said not looking him in the eye as I grab a random rubbing alcohol and start my way to the cashier.

Luke and I didn't say a word the whole way home.


Ashton POV

"Finally! Home sweet home!" Calum sighed in relief as we came into the house we were supposed to stay at for a month.

Our security had miraculously helped us through the mob of fans. Don't ask how they found us, cause I don't even know.


Eww aren't fans suppose to embrace you in love and whatnot? Not attack you and claw at you like your the last piece of meat. And to top it off whenever we run off, of course were the bad guys...pfft that's a load of bull.

"Ashton you OK dude? You've been really quiet." Calum asked as I sat down on the couch in the living room. Calum stood there with his arms crossed in front of me. No matter what I say to lie to calum, he will know its a lie somehow. And trust me once you lie to calum, THERE IS NO GOING BACK! ITS LIKE DECLARING WAR!

"Just thi--- Calum do you ever question what goes through our fans' minds when they mob us like that?" I asked. I started over thinking it. And when I over think things it always ends up bad. But I can't help it.

"Well I just think they get over excited and their excitement takes over their common sense. Which makes them do stuff they'd probably regret later." Calum said in a matter-of-factly tone. I stare at him in awe.

"Since when did you get so smart?" I asked sounding like a total retard.

"Don't change the subject fletcher! Why are you asking me this?" Calum said as he laid down on the couch.

"Just curious." I say as I get up and go upstairs heading for my room.

"Babe no please don't hang up. No I'm not embarrassed of us. Baby please stop crying. You know about the girlfriend ban. Shhhh, no don't you dare say that. Yes I love you. To the moon and back baby. Yes I'll call you later when the guys are asleep." I heard Michael's voice as I pass his room. I wanted to barge in and see who Michael was talking to. But I knew better, Michael is the sensitive one out of us. If I just barged in he'd probably yell at me for invading his privacy. And once you lose Michael's trust...let's just say you don't want to do that. I shrug it off but it was still bugging me.

What would Michael hide from us? Don't we all tell everything to each other? I guess Luke's secret has triggered us all to keep our secrets.

Well it has been a long time since I've had a secret. Maybe....

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