chapter 46

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Jessie POV

My jaw is probably lying on the floor. Its like time froze. Like is standing there smirking as we all gap at the soldiers at the door. Cassie looks like she is ready to run. Oliver has a scowl, as he looks at Luke and his little army.

But Marcus.

I wish I had a camera...

HIS FACE WAS PRICELESS! His mouth was shaped in a 'o' and his eyes were wide as if to say "oh shit".

Everyone froze until a dumbass of Marcus' men decide to fire the first shot....

"Put your weap--" a man screaming didn't get to finish as he gets shot.

Cassie is screaming bloody murder. Luke is looking terrifies at the body. And Oliver gets up and points a pistol at Luke.

I forget about all the gunshots next to me and around. As I take in the picture. Oliver, with a gun, pointed at Luke.

I see a few soldiers drop to the ground as Marcus' men shoot. One...two...three henchmen dead.

Three....four.....five....two more to go.

"Luke, you made the mistake of coming back for this bitch." Oliver snarled as he clicks the gun as a warning. The gun is loaded again, and Luke takes this opportunity to kick him where the sun does not shine. The gun skids across the floor, into the middle of the ballroom, the battlefield.

Luke and Oliver look at each other for a second, and they take off sprinting towards the gun. Suddenly Luke decides to jump Oliver to the ground. Someone shoots, but misses them by a few feet.

"Get the fuck off me Sykes!" Luke yells as he tries to crawl away from the little fight on the floor.

"You fucking started Hemmings!" Oliver says as he lands a punch to the nose. Someone shoots and it grazes Luke's arm. He hisses. I cry out which causes Oliver to turn and gives Luke the chance to get him in choke hold.

Suddenly I feel cold metal on my neck. I gulp, I had forgotten all about Marcus.

"Luke if you care for her, you'd let my men go, and you will leave." Marcus hisses as he pressure the knife a little more. I dare not breathe scared if I move that the knife will cut through.

Luke hesistates for a second but then let's go of Oliver who runs straight for the gun and aims it to Luke.

"Good boy. Now me and my princess will be leaving." I almost puke at his words.

"No she won't!" Cassie screams as she breaks a huge ass vase on Marcus' head. As Marcus falls, the knife scrapes my shoulder. Luke attacks Oliver who was distracted.

At that moment, Brett walks in with the Marcus' men. I groan.

"Brett. What are you doing?" I say with my eyes wide.

"Boss' orde---oh" he finally takes notice of the crying Cassie hugging the life out of me, a beat up Luke standing like a gust of wind might make him fall, and Marcus unconscious on the floor.

"Jessie...let's go." Luke says motioning me towards him. Does the dumbass forget, I'm in a wheelchair?

"Shes not going with you, whoever you are." Brett growls at him. The rest of Marcus' men just shrug and start to leave while they leave. Holy shit...

Luke's little army and Marcus' men are dead. I'm going to be sick.....

"And who are you?" Luke challenged as he staggered towards us. Brett started walking towards us, a hand on his pistol.

"I'm Brett, Jessie's friend." Luke darts his eyes to me.

"I'm Luke, Jessie's boyfriend." I glare at him. Brett's jaw is probably on the floor. I hadn't told him about Luke yet.

"Brett this is my FRIEND Luke." Score one for Jessie.

"I see." Brett smirks at Luke who I just friendzoned.

"Cassie, you alright now." I say looking at the curly headed girl who was sobbing on my shoulder. She nods as we leave.


Hey sorry late update, as usual.

What ya guys think of the badass ending. They just trashed Marcus' place and left.

The sequel will mostly be in Scar's POV and Michael's.


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