chapter 47

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Luke POV

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Acting like her hero and shit...where was he a minute ago when Marcus had a knife to her throat.

Brett was pushing Jessie's wheelchair until I found it fitting that the REAL hero should get the damsel in distress.

"Wait what about Isabelle?" Jessie asked Brett. Cassie walked along side us traumatized.

"I'll take care of her." Brett reassures her. I make a disgusted face, I'll care for her what a little wimp.

"Can I--Can I see her?" Jessie stutters. My eyes widened. She just got her freedom and she wants to go back in that house looking for this girl named Isabelle.

"Sure. Can I?" Brett looked at me motioning to be able to push Jessie. Hell to the fuck no.

"You can show us the way." I smirk. Jessie gives me a death glare.

"Uh sure." He says as he walks in front of us making sure that Marcus' men dont take us as a threat even though we are.

"You can be a little nicer to him." Jessie whispers harshly to me.

"Why should I?"

"Cause all you've been doing since you set eyes on him is be irritated and infuriated by him being here." I roll my eyes.

"He just didn't make a good first impression." Now I'm speaking lies.

"Or you won't admit that you're jealous?" Jessie smirks up at me. I am defeated.

"Shut up." I mumble as she chuckles.

Brett leads us to a posh door with two guards outside the room.

Brett opens the door to reveal a sick woman laying fragily on the white mattress bed. She was asleep that was until we had come in. She had reddish blonde hair and had green eyes like Cassie who stayed emotionless.

"Isabelle, this is Jessie, Luke, and Cassie." Brett introduced us. I can see the way he talked to her and looked at her that she was special to him. I relaxed knowing he is probably with this chick.

"Why I've heard a lot about you Jessie." She said smiling a little, barely. Her voice was cracked and sounded dryer than the Sahara desert. I look at Jessie who's face lightened up but tears managed to leave her eyes.

"All good things I hope." She said trying to keep the mood happy.

"Of course." Isabelle smiles at her than at Brett.

"I need to confess something sweetheart, they uh I mean we er..." Brett rubbed the back of his neck.

"Brett what happened?" She said woried. I hadn't noticed all the machines hooked up to her. She must be in pretty bad condition.

"They killed your brother." He mumbled. I was hoping to see Isabelle cry and yell at us. But she kept a straight face.

"Serves him right." She says which takes us all by surprise.

"Honey how ya been?" Brett asks as he sits on his knees and holds Isabelle's left hand.

"Doing better...I think...Jake has been here a lot lately. He has grown a lot too." She smiles which causes the sides of her eyes to crinkle. I let a small smile show.

" I'm going to take them to the airport and I'll be back OK?" Brett reassures her.

"Izzy is Brett's wife." Jessie whispers to me. She is still crying. Cassie is holding onto the wheelchair unable to say a thing.

"Brett can we go to America?" She asks.

"Izzy we can't... youre too sick to be on a plane and what if you get even more sick?" It honestly touches my heart on how much he cares for this woman. Is this real love?

"Brett Riveras. I will not die. Not now at least. I want to be able to see the places I wish I had before that time comes. Do you hear me mister?" She says making Brett nod.

That's what I want. I want me and Jessie to grow old together. To be able to make eachother happy no matter the problem. I want to see little Lukes and Jessies running around. I want to see Jessie walking down the aisle looking beautiful as ever. I want to be able to comfort her at night. I want to be able to give her whatever her heart desires. I want to be able to make sure she is safe. I want to show her my love.

But how do I do that with how much I've fucked up?

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