Chapter 32

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~Chapter 32~

Isabel's POV

I haven't left Jordan's side not once. I don't want to miss when he wakes up. I stay by his side because I miss him so much. I would talk to him all the time, but it would seem like I am talking to myself. I got discharged out of the hospital a week ago and like I said I never left his side.

Its been a week and 3 days since Jordan fell in a coma. None of us has been right since. His mom will not come back to the hospital, his dad hasn't slept in days, Annabel won't stop crying about him. We are all not in our right places. Christmas is just a month away. It was going to be our first Christmas together. I looked up at Jordan. I touched his hand.

"Hey Jordan. I haven't left your side yet. And I never will. Christmas is just a month away. It was going to be our first Christmas together. Jordan none of us has been right. Ever since you fell in a coma we all have been bummed out. Annabel cries all the time. She doesn't want no other man hold her. Jordan we all miss you." I started crying now. "Jordan please wake up. I don't want to lose you. You are my whole heart, mind, and soul.

Jordan we need you. I need you. Jordan if you leave me I don't know what I would do. Just please wake up. I love you so much." At that point I was in sobs. I put my head on Jordan's bed and just cried. After like an hour of crying I felt something touch my hand. I looked up and saw Jordan awake.

"Jordan you're awake."

"Yea I just woke up." His voice was scratchy.

"Jordan you do know you was in a coma right?"

"No, how long was I out?"

"A week and 3 days."

"Wow it feels like I been asleep for 2 hours. I had weird dreams that you talked to me everyday telling me about things. Then you would just end up crying."

"Jordan that was real I did talk to you. I ended up crying because I missed you so much. And I was scared that i was going to leave me. I love you so much Jordan I didn't want you to go."

I then started crying. I didn't want Jordan to leave me. I just loved him so much.

"Hey hey, don't cry i'm here. I'm not going anywhere. When my time is up my time will be up. But I will love you no matter what Isabel. You are my everything. Don't forget that either."

"Jordan that doesn't help at all."

"Isabel I didn't mean to upset you. I didn't mean to. But Isabel its true. My time maybe tomorrow or in 50 something years. But Isabel I will love you no matter what happens. I always will."

"Jordan I love you too. I just don't want you to leave me. Your the best thing that happened to me and I love you so much."

"I love you Isabel no matter what." With that Jordan gave me a big smile. I leaned closer and pecked Jordan on the lips.

"I think I should go call your parents to tell them you are awake."

"Good idea." I got up out of my chair. I stepped outside and dialed The house phones number. Someone picked up on the 3rd ring.


"hi Mr. Tom."

"Hey Isabel. What's up?" I started laughing a little bit. "Isabel what's so funny?"

"I will tell you later. But Mr. Tom, Jordan has awoken." I heard Mr. Tom shuffled around. I heard him shouting to Mrs. Grace.

"Ok Isabel we will be there soon." With that he hung up. I went back in the room. Jordan was on the hospital's phone. I looked at him with a question look. When he got off the phone he turned towards me.

"I was ordering food, i'm hungry." I laughed. My Jordan is back.

"Jordan we all know you love food. Its really nothing new about it."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Oh nothing." I smiled at him. I took off my shoes and crawled into bed with him. We got comfortable and turned on the tv. I started rubbing Jordan's stomach. I looked at his face to see if he had any pain.

"Jordan are you in any pain?"

"Just a little but not much."

"Ok making sure i'm not hurting you or anything." I continued to rub his stomach. The door opened and a nurse had walked in. She was carrying a tray of food.

"Hello Mr. Wright, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine. Hungry and in a little pain but other then that i am fine."

"Thats really nice to hear. Ok well here is your food. And your meds so you can take for the pain."

"Thank you."

"You welcome, and the doctor should see you shortly."

"Ok thank you." The nurse walked out of the room. Jordan started eating he fed me a little bit of his food. When we finished eating Jordan's parents walked in.

"Jordan sweetie i'm so glad you're awake." I heard a baby cry. Annabel was being held by Tony. Tony walked over to the bed and placed Annabel on Jordan's lap. And at that same moment she stopped crying. We all had laughed. Jordan started rocking her. He had kissed her cheek.

"This is like a dream I had. Someone told me that Annabel would always cry for me and that she would cry every time another man held her."

"Jordan that part is true also. I said that."

"Ah now I get it.. I think." I shook my head and laughed at him.

"Its glad to see you awake Jordan. Isabel has stayed here day and night sitting by your side." Tony said. Jordan turned and looked at me with a smile.

"What? I missed you that much."

"Nice to know all of y'all missed me." He said with a smile. Just then a doctor had walked in. We turned our heads. I grabbed Annabel and got off the bed. The doctor came around to Jordan's side of the bed. He started checking Jordan's stomach to make sure he is alright.

"Well you're progressing very well. I dont see why you have to stay here. So tomorrow you are free to go. But make sure you take the medication for 2 weeks. If you still have pain after to weeks come and see me. And also no sexually activity till after the 2 weeks is up." I felt my cheeks heating up. Me and Jordan never had sexually contact except for kissing but that was really it. Jordan nodded his head.

"Ok so I should be back tomorrow to help you leave here safely."

"Ok thank you doctor."

"You welcome see you tomorrow. And make sure you get plenty of sleep tonight." Jordan nodded his head. The doctor walked out of the room.

"Well looks like I am going home tomorrow."

"Perfect. Cause we can do many things now."

"What are those things?

"We can start moving into the house and we can go Christmas shopping."

"Oh god." Jordan slammed his head back on the bed. Everyone started laughing. This is going to be fun.

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