Chapter 31

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~Chapter 31~

Jordan's POV

I started opening my eyes. The light is just too bright. I heard voices saying turn off the lights. I shut my eyes for a second. Then I had slowly opened them. The light wasn't so bright anymore. When I looked around the room I saw a nurse in the room.

"Where am I?" my voice was low and scratchy so I'm not sure if she had heard me.

"You are in the hospital. Hold on a second." I saw the nurse run out of the room. I tried to sit up but it had hurt. Why am I hurting so much? I noticed it was only my stomach that had hurted. I took the covers off of my body. I looked down at my stomach I saw that it was all wrapped up. Ok I wonder what had happened, All I remember is that Isabel went missing then we had called the cops then after that someone came to the door and that was it. I was pulled out of my thoughts because the door opened. I turned my head and saw Isabel and mom there.

"Jordan, sweetie you're awake." That's my Isabel I remember.

"Yea I am awake. Why are you in a hospital gown?"

"I got dehydrated and they wanted to watch me a little bit."

"What happened to your head?"

"When I was kidnapped he threw me in a room. When he threw me in the room I hit my head on a table." I sighed. I wonder if she knows who this person is.

"Isabel do you know who the guy is?" She nodded her head. I sighed. I don't like that. I really don't. Everyone that knows Isabel wants something from her or try to hurt her.

"Isabel I really don't like that. I feel like I can't protect you. It seems like everyone is just out to get you, and ruin us. Isabel I really don't like it at all."

"Jordan you are protecting me just fine Jordan. I know you can't protect me every second of the day. Jordan I love you no matter what."

"I love you too Isabel. I just want you safe. And I want the girls to be safe too. Im going to hire you some bodyguards. They can at least guard the house, then when we go places they will be there to. Basically be treated like a superstar. But I will make sure you are safe no matter what happens."

"Jordan that is just way too much. Isabel doesn't need to be followed all day long." mom said

"Mom did you not hear me? Mom I want her safe I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Jordan that is understandable, but don't you think you are overreacting just a little bit?"

"Mom I am not overreacting. I want her safe. My do you know how many times Isabel has got her, taken, or put in a bad situation with bruises or in the hospital?"

"Jordan I understand, but just think this through please."

"Mom I have thought about it. And I want her to be safe at all times mom. I love Isabel too much to know she is being stalked or something."

"Ok Jordan. I am just going to leave it alone." I turned and looked at Isabel. I totally forgot she was holding Kiara.

"Isabel can I hold her?" She nodded. She handed me Kiara. I had looked down at her, she started smiling a little bit.

"Where is Annabel?" I asked Isabel.

"She is with your dad and Tony. They had went some where in the hospital but I'm not sure where though." I nodded my head. My stomach started hurting a little bit.

"Isabel please pick up Annabel." Isabel picked up Annabel. I was in so much pain.

"Jordan are you ok?"

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