Chapter 36

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Isabel's POV

Me and Jordan was watching tv starting out the new years great. We finished mostly all of the planning for the wedding. Well mom said she would take care of the rest of the planning for us. Just to think the wedding is next month so is my birthday but Jordan would never know that till I tell him. I started flipping through the channels I stopped when I said a picture of me.

"Isabel Wright ~who is now a fiancee to Jordan Wright~ gave a very touching speech last night. Isabel Wright had been raped and abused by her father for the past year. We will show you the video of her giving the speech."
The video of me giving the speech started playing. When the video ended I had tears in my eyes I didn't want the whole world to know about my life. I turned the tv off. I got up so I could have some time alone to myself.

"Isabel I'm sorry this happened if I knew there were going to do this I would've told my dad to not invite certain people. I'm sorry Isabel."

"It's ok Jordan I just need some time alone to myself."

"Ok well I'm going to the store do you need anything?"

"No I'm fine."

"Ok I will be back soon." I went up stairs to our room. Well now the whole world knows about me getting raped and abused by daddy. Well New Years is not really ruined as much as I thought it was. I curled in a ball and fell asleep.


Jordan's POV

I went to the store in the charger. No it wasn't for show, ok maybe for show a little bit. I went in
the baby aisle first to get food for the twins. Then I went to the pest aisle so I can get food for nicole. I then went and got food for me, Isabel, mom and dad. While I was getting the food I heard someone call my name.

"Jordan" I heard a girl yell. I turned round and it was Danielle. I dated her for 2 years. I lived in Maryland at the time we was dating. I was in love with her. I then moved to Virginia and started dating someone else then I moved here and fell in love with Isabel.

"Hey Danielle" She jumped in my arms. I had hugged her tight.

"Jordan I missed you so so much."

"I missed you too."

"Jordan you should come to my house so we can catch up a little bit." She rubbed her hand up and down my chest.

"OK hold on let me go check out and I will meet you outside in a minute."

"Ok." I walked to the checkout line. When I had got everything checked out everything I walked outside Danielle was waiting for me next to the door.

"So Jordan are you ready to go to my house and have a good time?"

"Yes come on lets go." I walked to my car when I saw her car pull out I followed right behind her. I wonder if she still have that spark we had when we always "Did It." Well I will find out soon.

Isabel's POV

Jordan has been gone all day. It doesn't take this long to go to the store. I looked at the clock, it was already 9:48 pm. What could he be doing that is taking him so long to get home? I heard the front door opened. I turned over so it would seem like I have been sleeping the whole time. A few minutes later Jordan walked into the room. I heard him moving around. He crawled into bed, he wrapped his arms around me then kissed me on the top of my head. But the thing that is ringing in my mind it, why does he smell like women perfume? I pushed the
thought aside and went to sleep.


I woke up to Nicole licking my face. I got up and washed up. I went downstairs to see if the twins were fed. When I went down there the twins were playing with toys. Tony was putting away the bowls the twins had. Tony walked up to me with a package.

"Isabel this was in the mail for you."

"What is it?"

"I don't know I didn't look in it. I didn't want to open your mail."

"Thank you." I opened the package there was pictures inside of it. I looked through all the pictures. One picture was of Jordan hugging a girl. Then of them kissing then of them having sex!?!? I went to dad's office I know Jordan would be in there. I had tears running down my face. I bust into the office.

"Isabel baby what's wrong?"

"Don’t baby me." I threw the package on the desk. "What the hell is that Jordan?!"
He started looking through the package. He face went pale. "Isabel I can explain-"

"So you are going to explain to me how you cheated on me? Really? I went through so much stuff last year and this is starting! Really? Jordan you know what I am done! I am so done. The wedding is off. You can have the other chick but I'm so done. Jordan you ruined everything. Was I not good enough for you Jordan?"

"Isabel you are but-" Tony walked into the office.

"Isabel what's going on?"

"You wanna know what is wrong? He cheated. Here look at the pictures." I handed Tony the pictures.

"Jordan bro this is cold."

"So Jordan every time you told me you loved me so much you couldn't live without me, you wouldn't hurt me. That was all a lie right?" When he didn't answer I picked up the lamp and threw it against the wall. It shattered into pieces.

"Jordan why did you do it? Wait don't answer that I know the answer. I know I am not good enough for anyone. I know that i am ugly and a piece of shit. I grew up knowing that. And you just showed me my father was right about me this whole time. Tony I am leaving watch over MY kids. They are no longer his. I am leaving to find somewhere to live when I find somewhere to live I will be back for my kids." I started walking out of the room. I looked at my wedding ring. I started crying.

"By the way Jordan you can use this ring to propose to the chick you cheated on me with." I took off my ring and threw it at him. He had tears in his eyes.

"Have a nice life Jordan." I walked out of the office and into now Jordan's room. I got a duffel bag. I stuffed most of everything I needed in it. I got a suitcase and put everything else i needed in there.
I walked over to the twins crib I kissed them on top of their heads and walked away. I walked away from everything. I walked away from the person I thought had loved me, my kids, my best friend, and my not any more parents. There was only one person I could think so to go to. My real mother.


Jordan's POV

I messed up. I messed up so bad. I ruined everything. Why? Why? She is now gone. She is never coming back. I need her. I got made I stood up and I flipped the desk over. Everything got smashed the laptop fell on the floor but every picture dad had on there was smashed.

"Jordan calm the hell down!"

"How the hell am I going to calm down when the person I love just fucking walked out of my life!?"

"Jordan first of all this is your fault. If you didn't fucking cheat she would be standing here right now. Now grow the fuck up and try to get your fucking girl back. You can't just sit here and be a fucking pussy. But then again you deserve this you knew what you was doing. All this was a lie. You likely only wanted Isabel for fucking sex." I slammed Tony into the wall.

"Shut the up fuck up. I didn't fucking use her! I actually loved her. Yes I cheated but that was for good bye terms. I knew it was wrong. I just wanted to say goodbye to her. I was going to tell her I was getting married but I enjoyed way to much of it." I backed away from Tony.

"I'm getting my girl back. Even if it has to kill me.!" I walked out of the office I got my keys and sped down the road looking for Isabel. The love of my life.

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