Chapter 43

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Chapter ~43~

Isabelle POV

I slowly opened my eyes, I saw the room was bright. I sat up and looked around, I didn't see Jordan. I heard the door opened, Jordan walked in.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Jordan said carrying a tray full of food.

I started smiling, but then I thought of last night. What happened? I remembered Mr. Jim walking in saying he had to tell me something next thing I know I was sleep. I shook the thought out of my head because i felt fine, I felt way better actually. Yesterday was a good day but I feel like today can be better then yesterday. I finally knocked myself out of my thoughts because I forgot I had Jordan standing there with a tray of food.

"yes I'm finally awake, you can bring the tray over." I said that while sitting up.

When I looked down at the plate I noticed that there was bacon, eggs, and French toast on the tray, with a cup of Coffee. I was satisfied with this breakfast. I looked up and smiled at Jordan, i swear he just make me happy with everything he does.

"Mom wants us to pick a song for our first dance and she said we should practice."

"Ok that's fine with me, but I never really listened to music."

"I know I'll take control of the song don't worry. I'm going to leave you to eat and get dressed and ill get the song." Jordan kissed me on my forehead and left out the room. I started eating once i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." i hollered

Mrs. Grace peeked her head in the door way.

"Hey honey, I'm pretty sure Jordan told you that yall need to pick a song and practice it for yall wedding. The wedding is in two weeks, we need to get everything ready before then. But don't worry i have taken care of a lot for you since i know your situation. I found you bridesmaids, i found their dresses and shoes for you, and of course i already hired someone for yall hair and make up, I took care of all the boys with the help of Jim. I already have people working on decorations, all we have to do now is set up the food, and the seating arrangements and everything will be done and ready for the big day."

"Thank you so much Mrs. Grace, this is the sweetest thing anyone has done. Yall took me in, and now planning my wedding for me. I cant thank you enough."

"You don't have to thank me, as long as Jordan is happy, I'm happy."

She came over and gave me a hug, I felt so loved just being in this house. She left out the room and came back in with a bag. She handed me the bag, it had shoes in it.

"These are your wedding shoes, I ordered you a dress. I know you didn't see it yet but we can go by and see it today or tomorrow it doesn't really matter its up to you. But the shoes completely match the dress so you have nothing to worry about."

I looked at the shoes, they were nice silver heels. But i just don't think i can walk in them they look too high for my liking.

"I don't think i can walk in these."

"I promise they really aren't that high, they are plat formed shoes so it will help you if anything."

"I guess ill try it. I'm going to go get ready so Jordan and I can practice our dance."

"Alright sounds good, we are going to be in the dance room, its across the hall from the sun room." Well that being said she walked straight out the door not looking back.

i went and got dressed to practice dancing, I put on some jeans, a white shirt, and the heels. I needed all the practice I could get with these shoes. After putting on the shoes i slowly stood up. So far so good. I slowly started walking towards the door. Mrs. Grace was right this really isn't that bad. I still had walked slow but i finally made it to the dance room. When i walked in the windows was open showing the pretty winter morning. I looked over and saw Mrs. Grace, Jordan, and Mr. Tom.

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