Chapter 40

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~Chapter 40~

Isabel’s POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes it was Jordan.

“Isabel get up, Annabel is sick.”

“What do you mean?”

“She is throwing up everywhere.” I jumped up from the couch and ran to the twins room. She was laying in her crib crying. I picked her up and started rocking her.

“Why didn't you take her to the doctor?”

“I didn't know what to do.” I rolled my eyes. It doesn't take a scientist to know to take a child to the doctor if they were sick.

“Well Jordan can you please get Kiara ready so we can go to the doctor please.”

“Yea.” I went in the bathroom and cleaned Annabel off, I got her dressed and ready to go. When I went downstairs Jordan had Kiara.

“Ok come on lets go.” I said. We strapped the twins in the car. I sat up front with Jordan.

“Isabel stop being so mad.”

“I wouldn't have to be mad if things would go the right way.”

“Hold up i'm trying to make things right you ain't helping shit just sitting there being a bitch about it.”

“Excuse me? What did I ever do to you Jordan for you to call me a bitch Jordan? I been through so much stuff and you telling me to not be a bitch about it? Well since you i'm such a bitch then don't marry me.”

“I never said I wouldn't marry you, now you're putting words into my mouth. I will still marry you but in the situation you are acting like a bitch.” I had tears running down my face. I have nothing else to say to him right now. I turned and looked out the window.

“Isabel I’m just trying to make this all work. I am trying to apologize to you, but something always gets in the way where I get mad or nervous or scared about something. I love you Isabel I am trying to do the best I can to make it up to you.” I saw that we pulled into the doctor’s office. We Jordan found a parking spot, I got out the car and grabbed Annabel. I went in and signed in for Annabel. I took her out of her car seat and started rocking her. Jordan came and sat next to me.

“I hope its nothing serious.”

“Me too.” The doctor called her name. Me and Jordan got up, Jordan grabbed both car seats while I carried Annabel in my arms.

“Hi I am going to be working with ms. Annabel, what are y'all here today for?”

“She woke up throwing up.”

“Ok well lets take her temperature.” She started taking Annabel’s temperature. It beeped.

“Its 101, ok well it looks like she just got a little cold nothing serious. Just make sure she is warm and toasty, since it is the winter time so make sure they both are all warm.”

“Thank you so much.”

“You welcome, y'all have a nice day.”

“You too.” I took the blanket Annabel was wrapped in and put it on the outside of her car seat. I carried her to the car I got her all strapped up.

“Isabel you do know I’m sorry right?”

“Yea.” I heard Jordan sigh. I know Jordan is hurt that I am not talking to him, I just need time. He doesn't understand that what he did hurt me. It hurt me really bad, it made me feel like everything my father said was right. I had tears running down my face.

“Isabel you ok?”

“Jordan what you did to me hurt me, it made me feel like my father was right all along.”

“Isabel I am sorry I am trying to make it up to you I really am. I know I did the wrong thing but Isabel I just- I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. I know that I did you wrong, I’m trying to fix all of that I promise I am. Please I need time to make it up to you.”

“I need time to Jordan. I’m sorry for giving you the cold shoulder.”

“Its ok I forgive you.” We pulled into the driveway. I got out and grabbed Annabel. I walked right into the house. Tony and Jackson was sitting watching tv.

“Hey is she ok?” Tony asked.

“Yea she just got a little cold thats really it.”

“Im glad its nothing bad.”

“Me too.”

“Can I hold her?”

“Only if she won't cry if you're holding her.” I said while laughing. I took Annabel out of her car seat and gave her to Tony. Tony sat her on his lap. She looked up at him and started crying.

“I told you Tony. Wait I want to see something, pass her to Jackson.” Tony passed her to Jackson. Jackson held her like he was scared to hold a baby. She soon stopped crying. I started laughing.

“I have a feeling she thinks you're her daddy.”

“Well I'm not I guess I can just be her step uncle then.”

“I guess you are then.” I said with a smile.

I walked upstairs and saw Jordan was up there. He walked out of the twins room looking mad.

“Isabel what the hell is this?” I looked and saw it was the box where I hid everything at.

“Where did you find that?”

“Answer my question first. What the hell is this?”

“Thats private.”

“Private!? Are you doing fucking drugs Isabel?”

“Jordan you wouldn't understand.”

“Then explain what the hell this is Isabel.”

“Jordan I been through a lot I went out for a walk I ran into a guy and I got it from him,. I wanted to take my mind off things and he gave me this stuff and it worked.”

“So you're telling me that doing drugs helps you? I have something better get the hell out of my house.”


“I said get the hell out of my house!”

I ran and I ran fast I didn't know where I was going I just kept running and running. I stopped and looked where I was. I was standing right in front of my old house, where every bad thing happened to me was held at.

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