Chapter 15

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~Chapter 15~

Isabel's POV

"Isabel I think its a good time to think of baby names." Jordan said me while we were watching tv.

"Jordan we already thought of baby names, plus I remember what we have, plus I like the names we have."

"And what names are those?"

"Annabel Marie, and Kiara Christina."

"You like both? Plus didn't we come up with those names before we found out you were having twins?"

"Yup. And that's why I like them, not because I thought of them just because we were going to pick one of them so I picked both."

"Good idea. Plus I do like those names too."

"Thats why we picked them."

"Well then." Jordan placed his hand over his heart. He looked really gay.

"Oh my gosh, I think my fiance is going gay."

"No I'm not. If i was going gay I would of been dumped you."

"Well then, I feel so hurt." I placed my hand over my heart acting like how Jordan acted before. He started laughing at me.

"Ok Mr. I'm going to laugh my butt off, I want a sandwich."

"What kind?"

"What do I always ask you to make me?"

"Umm uh..... I don't know?"

"Peanut Butter and Jelly Jordan. Peanut Butter and jelly."


"Just go make my sandwich, i'm hungry."

"Ok ok i'm going." Jordan went and made my sandwich. I turned the channel cause I don't like watching Law and Order. To me its a dumb show. I turned to movies on demand, they have good movies on this channel. A family movie came on, Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs. I never watched it before, so it looks like i'm watching this. Jordan came back with 3 sandwiches. Jordan handed me the sandwiches. He tried to take the one off the top. I slapped his hand.

"I can't get one?"

"No you can not, remember i'm feeding 3 people, 3. Remember that."

"Ah come one, just want please baby. I'll rub your feet, I'll ummm do whatever you want to the babies come."

"Fine, but just this once."


"Do that again and I will take it away and eat it myself."

"Ok Im done. What movie is this?"

"Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs."

"Oh I love this movie. I like the part when-"

"Shut up, I haven't seen it yet, so don't tell me."

"Really? This movie has been out for a while you know."

"Well i'm sorry I didn't have access to a tv, when I lived with my dad."

"Oh right I forgot, I'm sorry Isabel I won't bring it up again. I'll shut up." I started to laugh at Jordan. Jordan is like a little big kid. Like he is a teen and acts like a 4 year old. Yea that way. We were in the middle of our movie, when there was banging on the door. Jordan got up and went and opened it. Daddy stood at the door. I looked wide eyed at him. I wonder what he was doing here.

"Come on Isabel you are coming now and I mean now."

"No daddy i'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here."

"No the hell you are not, now shut your fucking mouth and come one." I started crying and started backing up. I backed up and hit the wall. I saw Daddy try to come to me. Jordan jumped and daddy and started to punch him over and over again in the face. Daddy shoved Jordan off of him, he then pushed Jordan up against the wall. Daddy punched Jordan in the stomach. He dropped Jordan and turned and looked at me. I got really scared I didn't know what to do. A dream when I was little popped in my head.


A tall black shadow came over me, it had daddy face. He started walking to me, he was standing above me. He slapped me across the face. Then I woke up.


I started breathing heavy. My butt was already to the floor so I slid my butt across the floor so I could get away from daddy. I saw Jordan get up, I still moved away from daddy. I didn't want myself hurt or the babies. Jordan came and hit daddy on the back of the head with something.

"Isabel come on we gotta get out of here." Jordan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.

"Jordan where are we going?"

"I don't know, Just not here right now." Jordan helped me in the car. He hoped in his side of the car. He had sped out of the driveway and down the road.

"Jordan baby please slow down." Jordan started to slow down, now i feel a little bit better now that he is not speeding anymore. Jordan pulled into Mcdonald's drive through. I was happy that I got something to eat. Jordan got me a Big-Mac. Which I was so happy he had got for me, he also go me larger fries, well you kinda get that for the meal then I got a large Mountain Dew. Yup I got a good meal. Jordan started driving around for a little while, he drove us to the beach. I wonder why we are here, but anyways he got out the car and came around my side and helped me out. He grabbed my hand and we walked down to the beach. Jordan had a blanket? Thats kinda umm weird, oh right now I remember we were driving and I brought a blanket and it was so soft and I slept with it. Wow. I took off my shoes and I walked to the water and put my feet in. The beach is really pretty at night.

"Isabel you ready to go?"

"Yea im coming." I started to walk towards Jordan. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the car. He drove back to the house, we opened the door and daddy was gone. Good i'm glad he wasn't here. Me and Jordan had sat on the couch, I was ready to go to bed until someone knocked on the door. Jordan opened the door, two police officers came to the door.

"Jordan Wright, you are under arrest for assault of Jim Baker. Anything you say will be used against you."

"Wait no please, I need him here, i'm having my babies soon please don't take him."

"Baby, call my parents and tell them i got arrested, sweetie I promise I will be back, I promise."

"But I don't want you to go, how am I going to sleep without you?"

"Sweetie take one of my shirts from out my dresser and use that. I promise I will be back, I love you."

"I love you too." Jordan pecked me on the lips and the police walked him to the car and put him in the car. I started to cry when the police car had drove off. I went upstairs and called Jordan's parents. I laid down in bed and got one of Jordan's shirts, I finally cried myself to sleep.

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