Chapter 30

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~Chapter 30~

Isabel's POV

I finally started to wake up. When I finally opened my eyes I looked around the room. I was in the hospital. But why? As soon as I thought that the door had opened. A doctor had walked in.

"I see you are finally awake."

"Yes, what happened why am I here?"

"Well you had a head injury, and also you are dehydrated. And you are very stressed. I have to ask you a few questions to make sure you are ok. Do you remember your name?"


"Ok when was the last time you ate or drank something?"

"Um I don't really remember."

"Well it looks like you are going to have to stay here for few days. If you have any questions let me know."

"Wait I have a question. Do you have a patient here name Jordan Wright?"

"I'm not sure I will go check that for you. I will be back in a minute." When he left I turned to look out the window. The sun was high in the sky so it was about noon. I picked up my cell phone I tried to turn it on. Great it was dead. I turned on the tv and started watching tv. 20 minutes into the movie someone came in the room. I turned my head and saw the doctor, Mrs. Grace, Mr. Tom, Tony, and my baby girls.

"Hey Isabel how are you feeling?"

"I am feeling good. How are you guys?"

"We are good. Well the doctor wanted to tell you about jordan."

"Is he ok?"

"Isabel calm down he is fine. He is out of surgery. They had stitched him all up. They are just waiting for him to wake up. We don't know how long that will be but right now they are waiting."

"Can I see him?"

"I can't see why not. One second let me get a nurse so she can wheel you to him."

"Thank you doctor." A few minutes later a nurse came in with a wheel chair. She wheeled me down to his room. When I got in there I had burst into tears. It hurt me to see that Jordan was in the hospital. I want him to wake up. I haven't seen him or talked to him in two days I missed him so much.

"Can I please be alone?"

"Yea. Isabel its best if you talk to him. It might help him wake up faster." I nodded my head. I waited till everyone left the room. I got up out of the wheelchair. I walked over to Jordan's bed. He was sound asleep. He had always looked peaceful when he sleeps.

"Hey baby. I missed you. We havent talked in two days. The doctor said that they are waiting for you to wake up. They said it could take awhile for you to wake up. But Jordan please try to wake up. I need you. Kiara and Annabel need you to Jordan. Please wake up. I love you Jordan." I placed my lips on Jordan's. I walked back to the wheelchair. I wheeled myself to the door I opened and went in the hallway. Everyone looked at me.

"Isabel you ok?" Mrs. Grace asked.

"Yea its just sad to see Jordan like that. I just miss him. I haven't talked to him in two days. I miss him alot."

"Isabel he will be ok. We just got to hope and pray for the best."

"I know."

"Come on Isabel, lets get you back in your room." I nodded my head. I got pushed back to my room. When I got to my room I layed back down in my bed. Mrs. Grace handed me kiara. She bent down and whispered something to me.

"Isabel they both need to be fed. I couldn't do much. They need the mothers milk." I nodded my head. She told Mr. Tom, and Tony to go do something. When they left I started to feed Kiara.

"Isabel you're a great mother. And a great fiance. Anyone would be happy to have you Isabel."

I started crying a little bit. Everyone made me happy. All of Jordan's family make me feel like I am one of them. I feel so much better just being with them.

"Isabel, Jordan is going to open his blue eyes soon. Don't worry your pretty little head off. He is going to wake up and look at his beautiful fiancee and kids. Don't worry."

"Yes ma'am."

"Isabel. I treat you just like my own daughter. I love you just like my own. Isabel I love."

"I love you too Mrs. Grace."

"Now Isabel what did I tell you about that before?"

"You told me to call you mom."

"Yes I did and you can call me that."

"I know I can, it just seem weird to say mom. I haven't said mom in like over 3 years."

"But Isabel you just said mom. I just joking but I know what you mean. Its fine Isabel you can say it when you are good and ready."

"Thank you Mrs. Grace you are really great to me. You are the best."

"I try to be. But Isabel if you need someone to talk to I am here for you. You know that right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I am always here for you whenever you need me."

"Thank you Mrs. Grace." Just then there was a knock at the door. A nurse had walked in.

"Umm sorry to interrupt but Mr. Jordan Wright has woken up."

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