Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

4 months Later (Month 6 of Isabel's pregnancy)

Isabel's POV

Me and Jordan was sitting in the doctor's office. Today was the day I find out what the sex of the babies are. I'm so nervous right now. Jordan grabbed my hand, and squeezed it.

"Isabel breathe everything is going to be ok." I nodded my head and and started to relax. The door opened a doctor came in the door.

"Isabel Baker?" Me and Jordan both stood up. We followed the doctor to the back. She turned into a room.

"Ok please on the table." I did as the doctor told me.

"Ok Isabel please lift your shirt a little bit." I did as the doctor said. I pulled up my shirt up so my stomach could show. She put the gel on my stomach.

"Are yall ready to see what the sex of the babies are?"

"Yes" we said in unison. She did the camera thingie scan again.

"Ok baby A is a girl, and baby B is also a girl. Congratulations."

"Thank you."

"Well looks like you are going to be due in like 3 months. So be careful on what you do."

"Ok thank you."

"Have a nice day."

"You too." She cleaned my stomach and me and Jordan walked out. Jordan helped me in the car. I cant believe im having girls. I want to get started on their room right away.

"Jordan can you please go to the store I want to buy clothes."

"Ok." Jordan turned into the parking lot of the baby store. He helped me out of the car. I did get bigger so it was kinda hard to get out of the car. I can't wear heels anymore. well its not like I did in the first place anyways. I would only wear heels for special occasions. But anyways, me and Jordan walked into the store. There was a whole aisle just for baby girls, so our shopping might be a little fast. Jordan grabbed a buggie and gave it to me, i'm actually glad he did that. We started walking towards the girl aisle. I saw the cutest dress ever.

"Jordan look. I love this dress, can we please get this for one of the girls? Please?" I started pouting, I always win when I do this face.

"Ok, Fine you can get it." See, I get whatever I want from Jordan when I do that face.

"Yaya, I love you Jordan."

"I love you too. Now come on so we can get you home."

"Ok coming." I started to push the buggy. Jordan was already looking at something I didn't know what it was though. I walked up next to Jordan. He was looking at this wall sticker that wrote Princess on it.

"Jordan, lets get it. We can get two, to put up on the wall above each of the girls."

"Thats a good idea."

"I know it is, it came from a great mind so its a great idea."

"Ok Ms. Smartie lets finish shopping so we can go home, I don't want you walking around all day."

"Ok, coming." I walked with Jordan, we had got a couple more stuff for the girls. We got back to the car, I think its harder to get in the car than to get out of it. So it took a minute or two to get in the car. Jordan pulled off and we went home. We pulled up into the driveway.

"Sweetie you go ahead and go upstairs, i'll get the bags and stuff."

"You sure baby?"

"Of course I am, you go ahead."

"Ok." I walked up the steps the door was locked, I forgot I got to get the keys from Jordan. I walked down the steps and walked next to Jordan.

"Baby I need the keys,the door is locked."

"Really? My parents must have left then, but here is the keys."


Jordan handed me the keys, I walked back up the steps. I unlocked the door to the house. I walked inside the house and put the keys on the little table next to the door. I started to climb the stairs, it was kinda a work out for me. I finally got up the stairs and went into Jordan's room, well I guess I can say it is my room too. But anyways I took off my flats because my feet was hurting. I went and layed down on the bed. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. I found that Tom and Jerry was on so i stayed on the channel and watched it. A few minutes later I heard Jordan come up the stairs. Jordan came in the room with all the bags.

"looks like you got yourself comfortable."

"Yes very"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm hurting"

"What hurts?"

"My feet."

"Do you want a foot massage to see if it helps?"

"Yes please." Jordan sat on the bed in front of my feet. Jordan started to massage my feet. I'm going to have to get him to massage my feet more often. This feel really good. Jordan stopped massaging my feet.

"Aw you had to stop?"

"I guess it felt good then, but did it work?"

"Yup it did. Ok Jordan I want a pickle, Vanilla Ice cream, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."

"Any thing else?"

"Nope oh and some tea."

"Ok anything else?"

"Nope thats it, now you can go i'm hungry."

"Ok ok i'm going." I watched as Jordan ran out of the room to get my food. Gosh i'm hungry. Great now I got to go to the bathroom. I finally got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I did my business and then washed my hands. Jordan knocked on the door.

"Isabel you in there?"

"No im not its a ghost."

"Haha very funny now come on out."

“I'm coming let me dry my hands first."

"Ok sweetie." I dried my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I layed back down and started eating the food I got. This tasted really good. I don't like pickles though, its kinda weird. I finished my food I was watching tv when I felt the babies kick.

"Jordan come here really quick, and hurry" I yelled Jordan was in the bathroom. I don't know why though. Jordan ran out of the bathroom

"Sweetie what is it? are you ok?" I grabbed his hand and put it where the kids were kicking. Jordan started smiling.

"Wow that is cool." Jordan put his face to my stomach

"Hey baby girls, daddy here daddy loves you. And I cant wait till you come out of there." Jordan then kissed my stomach. He started to rub his hand up and down my stomach.

"You're going to make an awesome dad."

"I know I am, but you are going to make an awesome mom."

"Thank you Jordan, I love you."

"I love you too." Jordan placed his lips on mine, we kissed for a while but I got out of breath so I pulled away. I smiled up at Jordan. I got myself under the covers and started to fall asleep.

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