Chapter 5

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Isabel's POV

(Sunday morning)

I finally left the hospital. I haven't talked to Jordan since he left me yesterday. I think I messed up big time. I walked home because well I don't know my dad didn't come to get me and jordan I knew he wasn't going to come back for me. I finally got home.

"So you finally got out the hospital?"

"Yes daddy."

"Now remember what you said. So it starts now." Daddy pulled me so I could sit on his lap. I didn't say or do anything cause I know what I said. So I might as well let it happen. If I didn't, I don't even want to find out what will happen if I didn't let my daddy do whatever he wanted to me. I sat on his lap, I was just looking at the TV. My dad put his hand on my stomach.

"Looks like I'm going to be a daddy again." I just nodded my head. I didn't say anything. But daddy laughed like it was funny. I didn't really think it was. Daddy moved his hand. He rubbed my thigh. I really just wanted to jump off of his lap and run to my room, but I couldn't.

"Sweetie you look tired. Go and head to bed."

"Thanks daddy." I have a feeling he was just planning something. I went straight to my room and went under the covers. I was drifting off to sleep. My bedroom door opened. I was still half asleep. I cracked my eyes opened a little bit. My dad was walking towards my bed. My covers moved off of me. I then felt my sweat pants come off my body. I opened my eyes all the way. I turned to find my dad taking my clothes off.

"Daddy what are you doing?"

"Shut up. Remember what you said. So shut it."

I shut my mouth cause I didn't want to know what happen if I yelled at him to stop. I just watched daddy take off my clothes. I started crying. I wish I didn't say anything. But if I didn't say anything then Jordan would of had got hurt. Daddy started kissing me all over. Daddy finally got to my face. He kept kissing my cheeks and around my lips. The was tear streaks down my face, daddy licked them I cried even harder. Daddy finally got to my lips. I didn't want this to happen. I don't want this to happen any more. He finally stopped and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I started going to sleep. I hope daddy doesn't make any moves on me while I slept.


Jordan's POV

I left Isabel's hospital room. I can't believe she just told her dad he could do whatever he wanted to her. I needed to do something. I just drove home. I couldn't stop thinking about Isabel. But she still should not have done that. Who knows what will happen. Her dad might just keep beating her. You know what i'm just going to stop thinking of her. She is something I would never expect. On Monday I hope she doesn't even try to talk to me. I'm just going to go to sleep when I get home. I need to rest anyways. When I got home like I said I went straight to sleep.


Isabel's POV

I woke up my dad was nowhere around. I looked at my clock it was 7:35 I made my way downstairs. I got a little hungry. I went in the kitchen I didn't see my dad so I thought he was in his room. I looked in the cabinet to see what I could find. To arms came from behind me. I know it was my dad.

"Sweetie come on. Come with daddy to his room."

"No daddy I don't want to."

"Oh yes you are going to whether you like it or not." Daddy started pulling me out of the kitchen.

"No daddy I don't want to." Daddy turned around and slapped me. I fell to the floor holding my face. Daddy started punching me in the face and in the arms. He only punched me once in the stomach. Daddy kicked me in my back. Daddy walked away from me. I cried really hard. It hurt to move. I crawled to the stairs. I tried to stand up but that did really work. I crawled up the stairs and to my room. I pulled myself in my bed and pulled the covers over me and fell asleep.


I woke up cause I had to get ready for school. I went in my bathroom I took off my shirt I looked in the mirror. There was so many bruises all over my arms. I went and took my shower. I went to my closet I put on some jeans and a shirt and a hoodie. I put on some flip flops. I was trying to get all dressed up I just wanted to cover the bruises on my body.
I walked out of my room and downstairs. I didn't see my dad so I had hurried and got out of the house before dad could catch me. I walked to school again today. I made it to school I am a little early but that's ok with me. I went to my locker and got my books and went to my first class. There were already a few kids already here. I sat in my seat and pulled out my notebook. More students came in when the first bell rang for a warning for us to go to class. I saw Jordan walk in the classroom he sat next to me, but he didn't talk to me. The whole class period went by. I was the first one to leave the classroom. All my classes went by. It was time for lunch. I thought about Jordan all day. I wanted him to forgive me. I saw Jordan walking outside.

"Jordan!!" I yelled his name. I guess and found out it was me and kept walking. I ran to him. I pulled his arm to yank him back.

"Jordan i'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt. I wanted to protect to."
Jordan stiffen his body.

"Isabel you should not have done that."

"I know Jordan,but i'm sorry I didn't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me." I started crying a little bit Jordan pulled me into a hug.

"Its ok Isabel I forgive you. Come on lets go outside and go sit down." I nodded my head. I sat under the tree first. Jordan sat next to me. I started getting a little hot. I took off my hoodie I forgot about all the bruises on my body. Jordan lifted my arm and pointed to it.

"Isabel what happen?"

"Daddy wanted to do something to me and I didn't want to do it, and daddy kept hitting me."
Jordan pulled me into another hug. He just rocked me in his arms.

"Isabel lets go. We can go to my house."
I nodded my head. Jordan grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. He drove us to his house. We pulled up at Jordan's house. We walked up the steps into his living room. As long as I been here his parents never seem to be home. I walked and sat in the living room.

"Isabel there is something I wanted to ask you."

"Jordan what is it?"

"Well I know we only been friends for a few days, but we know a lot about each other. Isabel would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Jordan I don't know what to say, Jordan I just can't do it i'm sorry. I think you're great but I don't know if I can do it. I don't think its a right time to ask me. But I will let you know how I feel when I am ready.”

“Its ok Isabel I understand. But I wont stop trying for you to like me Isabel. I really like you though, even though I barely know.”

“Thanks Jordan but I will let you know. Just not right now.”

“Do you want me to fix you something to eat?” I nodded my head. Well at least we are still friends. I know he wants to go out with me but I just don't know yet. I don't know if I can trust a guy that much. I trust him but I don't trust him. It’s just hard to explain it.

“Isabel are you ready to eat?” I nodded my head. I walked over to where Jordan was. He handed me a plate.

“What's this?” I said looking at the food.

“It’s Chicken Alfredo.”

“Oh.” I went and sat down at the table. I put a little bit in my mouth. It was pretty good. I started eating a little bit more, and also faster.

“Woah slow down before you choke.” Jordan said chuckling.

“I’m sorry I just don't get to eat food like this a lot because of my father. I really didn't eat much at all.”

“How come you didn't eat much?”

“Well daddy never really told me if its time to eat. Plus every time I got to he wouldn't really let me get anything.”

“Oh I am sorry.”

“It doesn't matter.” I said shaking my head. “I am kinda glad I am not there right now, I would probably be getting beat up right now.”

“Well you can stay here as long as you want, my parents wont really care.”

“Thank you. Do you have a spare bedroom I can stay in?”

“Yea I will show you.” Jordan got up from his chair. I followed Jordan up the stairs. When we got up the stairs he turned right past him room.

“This is one of the guest rooms. There is a bathroom connected right through there so you won't have to go far. And just let me know if you need anything.” Jordan was about to leave.

“Jordan actually I wanted to ask you a question.”

“Ok go ahead.”

“Um I was uh wondering if you can take me to get a few outfits. I don't need a lot I just need some clothes because, I don't want to go back to that house. He is just going to make me stay and I don't want to. I really don't.”

“Yea come on I can go ahead and take you to get your clothes now.”

“Really Jordan? I don't have any money to pay you back or anything.”

“Yea and Isabel you don't have to pay me back, I want to help you. I will help you with anything.”

“Thank you so much Jordan thank you.”

“you welcome. Come on lets go.”

I followed Jordan out the door. He opened his car door for me. I sat quietly in my seat. I’m not much of a talker. I looked out the window as the scenery went by.

“Isabel you ok?”

“Yea Im fine.”

“Ok I just want to see if you're ok.”

I nodded my head. I looked back out of the window. I don't know where we are going though, I am just clearing my mind. I don't want to think about much. I saw we pulled up at a store. Jordan walked around and opened the door for me.

“Thank you.”

“You welcome.”

I followed Jordan in the store. He started walking around the store, then he stopped.

“Well here is some clothes that may fit you. You are really small so here you go. Come find me when you are done.”

I nodded my head. I started looking for some clothes. I don't want to get dressed up for any reason. I picked up some shirts that are plain. I then walked over to where there was some sweat pants and jeans. I got all the clothes I wanted and went into the dressing room. When I tried everything on and saw that it had fit I went to find Jordan. When I found Jordan he was talking with someone. I walked up behind him.

“So Jordan who is this?”

“This is my friend Isabel.”

“Isabel this is my friend Jessica.”

“Its nice to meet you.”

“Whatever ugly chick. I know you need to go away so I can talk to Jordan.”

I put my head down and walked away. I put my clothes down on a chair and started walking out of the door. I just started walking around so I can clear my mind, but it didn't really work. I walked out of the store and sat in front of a water fountain. I put my face in my hands and started crying.


I picked my head up and saw Jordan running to me with a bag in his hand.

“Isabel I am so sorry about her. I hope she didn't hurt your feelings.”

“Well she did. It hurt me really bad. I grew up with everyone calling me ugly and I guess I really am just a ugly person.”

“Isabel you are not ugly, and don't you ever say that. You are beautiful. And don't forget that either.”

I nodded my head. Jordan grabbed my hand. We walked back to the car. He got me in the car. I rested my head on the window. Now I have a headache from crying, Jordan came and sat down in the drivers seat. Jordan turned and looked at me.

“Are you ok Isabel?”

“I'm fine.”

Jordan drove back to his house. I got out the car myself this time. I walked up the path, I opened the door and up to my room. I closed the door and fell on the bed I cried myself to sleep.

Is it love? or Is it Protective love? (ON HOLD UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum