Chapter 18

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~Chapter 18~

Isabel's POV

I woke up to Jordan poking me.

"Jordan please stop poking me."

"Well come on, we are aloud to get off the plane now."

"Really I slept that long? Wait where are we?"

"I don't know my mom wont tell me where we are."

"Well we wont find out till we get off the plane then."

"You gotta point there."

"I know I do." Jordan helped me stand up. We walked towards the door. Wherever we are at it is really sunny. Jordan walked out of the plane first, he grabbed my hand and helped me walk down the steps. We met Jordan's mom at the bottom of the steps.

"Welcome to Hawaii. I brought you here so y'all can have a good time and relax."

"Thank you so much." I walked over to Jordan's mom and pulled her into a big hug.

"You're welcome sweetheart. You are my soon to be daughter, its the least I can do for y'all before the wedding."

"Speaking of wedding we didn't even talk about the wedding."

"We can do that when we get home, for now you just relax and enjoy your time here."

"Oh I will."

"Ok I'm going to show yall where the hotel is and then y'all can do whatever you want whenever you want. Because me and Jordan's dad will be busy." she winked at us.

"Oh my god, mom that is so gross. Eww, that is really gross. I could of went my whole life without hearing that."

Me and Jordan's mom laughed at him. Jordan is basically a drama queen right now.

"Well if we didn't get buy you wouldn't be here right now."

"Ok you got a point mom but that still is gross."

"Oh shut up Jordan and get our bags."

"Since when am I the bell boy?"

"Since when we got here, so shush and get the bags." Jordan walked off and got our bags. Jordan's mom pulled me along and walked me to the hotel why Jordan followed us with our bags. Which was a lot of them. We got to the hotel. We went straight to the elevator. Jordan's mom held the elevator open for Jordan.

"Come on Jordan."

"Im coming Im coming." Jordan finally came into the elevator. He took forever but go in there. Jordan's mom hit the button for the 15th floor. We finally reached the 5th floor. We walked down a couple of doors. Jordan's mom knocked on one of the doors. Jordan's Dad came to the door. He moved aside so we can walk in the room. When I walked in I gasped.

"Oh my gosh this room is gorgeous."

"Your room is bigger than ours though."

"REALLY?!?!?!?" I had screamed. I was so happy.

"Yes really want to go see it now, so yall can go ahead and go do whatever you guys want?"

"Yes please." Jordan's mom grabbed a room key, a little room key package. She walked us all the way down the hallway. She turned to a room on the right. She opened the door for us. I was the first to walk in. This room was speech less. We had a view of the beach. We had a little living room a bathroom and little kitchen.

"There is no words to describe how this room looks" I screamed. Oh my gosh I love this room. I went and layed on the bed.

"And the bed is so soft" I screamed again

"Someone is enjoying this room."

"Yes I am. Jordan come lay down with me."

"Ok." Jordan came and took off his shoes and layed down on the bed.

"Wow this bed is soft."

"See I told yea."

"So what do you want to do. Its already 7:30. Wait so that must mean its like 9 or 10 back home."

"I guess I dont know im not good with this time thing. But i know i'm hungry. Lets get a little sighting and we go out to eat."

"Good idea." Jordan helped me get out of the bed. I grabbed my purse and the room keys. We walked out of the hotel. We had walked toward the beach. Jordan grabbed a flower and put it in my hair. (Pic is on side. Flower not that big. maybe a little smaller though --------------->)

"Isabel you look beautiful."

"Thank you. Jordan look at the sun set, its really pretty."

"It is, just like you." My eyes started to water.

"Hey hey hey don't cry." Jordan wiped some tears from my eyes.

"I'm not crying for sadness, i'm crying for joy I love you Jordan."

"I love you too Isabel." Jordan placed his lips on mine. The kiss was slow. We pulled away. Jordan stared into my eyes, and i started into his. Jordan put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest.

"Isabel I love you with all my heart. That is no lie, without you I would surely die."

"Jordan I love you, you are the best thing that ever happened to me, thank you for everything."

We turned and looked at the sunset. It was very pretty. We started to walk to a restaurant. We ordered take out and went back to the hotel. We got to the room I went straight to the bed. Jordan handed me my food.

"Wow this is really good."

"What did you get?"

"Chicken long rice."

"Can I try some?"

"Of course." I broke a piece of the chicken and gave it to Jordan.

"That is good."

"Yea it is. I'm stuffed can you put my food in the microwave?"

"Yea." Jordan went and put the food away. The remote was on the table next to the clock. I grabbed it and turned it on. I got under the covers I was getting really tired. Jordan came in the bed also. Jordan wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Good night."

"Good night."

"I love you Jordan."

"I love you too Isabel."

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