Chapter 37

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Isabel's POV

I walked all the way to my real moms house. When I got there I knocked on the door. I waited for mom to get to the door. It didn't take long for her to get to the door.

"Isabel what's wrong?" I ran into mom's arms. I just cried. Everything is so messed up. I heard a roaring car sound. I turned around and saw Jordan's car. He jumped out of his car.

"Please Isabel let me explain." I shook my head and started backing away from him.

"Isabel none of that was meant to happen. I kissed her yes, but it was for goodbye terms. Isabel I know what I did was wrong. Isabel I'm sorry I love you I really do. If I can do it all over again I wouldn't have kissed her from the start. Isabel please forgive me. I love you. Isabel everything I said about me loving you and me cant living without you. That was all true. I miss you Isabel. When you walked away from me I knew you were walking out of my life and I didn't want that. I wanted you to stay with me for ever."

Jordan grabbed my hands. "Isabel please come back. I know you will be mad at me for some time but I don't care. I just want the love of my life back with me. Please Isabel." I was staring in Jordan's eyes. Everything he said was true. I looked away. I didn't want to get hurt again. I really didn't.

"Isabel please I am sorry please forgive me." He placed his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into his touch. I know I am going to miss this though.

"Jordan I need a while to forgive you. I don't want to be hurt again. I am sorry I will let you know when I am ready to come back. I am sorry but I need some time to myself." Jordan nodded his head. He had tears in his eyes. Jordan pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but embrace him back. He whispered in my ear.

"I understand you need time. But please know I love you and I am really sorry." I nodded my head. Jordan kissed the top of my head. I watched as he walked away. I started crying again.

"Isabel?" I heard my mom say. I walked back over to her she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. She sat me at the table. She went and made us something to drink she came back with some coffee.

"Isabel tell me what happened."

"Yesterday me and Jordan was home watching tv. We saw something on the news about me. I went upstairs to get some time alone. He said he was going to go to the store to get us something to eat. So he left. I don't know if he really did go. But it took him awhile to get back home. So today I got something in the mail. It was a package. I opened it was pictures of Jordan and some girl kissing. Then there was a picture of Jordan having sex. Mom I feel so used. I feel like everything that dad said was true. I feel like a piece of shit mom. I just feel-" I broke down in sobs. Mom came and wrapped her arms around me. Mom walked me into a room and layed me down in the bed. She started rubbing my back. I soon drifted off to sleep.


Jordan's POV

I drove back home. I walked up the stairs back in dads office. I made a huge mess. I flipped the desk back over. Well now I have to explain to dad what happened to all his picture. Well let me see if the laptop still works. I put the laptop on the desk and turned it on. Well the laptop look like its good. I picked up all the pictures that Isabel showed me. I looked through them to see if there was any sign of who sent the pictures. I looked in the envelope to see if there was anything in there. A piece of paper fell out. It was a note it read

'Hi Isabel. Since you stole the man of my dreams from me, I have decided that since I can't have him you can't have him. So I am sending these pictures to show you that Jordan doesn't want you either. Well have a nice life.


I got so mad. I got up and left the house. I started walking around cause I didn't want to do anything I would regret. I really have to find a way so Isabel can forgive me. I thought of a good idea. I ran upstairs back to dads office. I searched on the laptop what I was looking for. When I found it I called the company. Come to found out its right in the city. I drove down to the city to get what I needed. I drove over to Isabel's mom's house. Lucky for me it was dark out so no one could see me. I had set everything up. When Everything was set up I texted Isabel.

'Look out your window at the sky.'

I hope this works.


Isabel's POV

'Look out your window at the sky.' It was from Jordan I wonder what he is doing that I have to look up at the sky. I walked over to my window. I moved the curtain out of the way and looked up. Fireworks were going off.

'I' came in the sky first

'Am' came second. I wonder what it is trying to say.

'Sorry' He is saying sorry in fireworks?

'I' Came in the sky again.

'Love' Tears came to my eyes.


I ran out of my room. I ran out of the house to where Jordan was. I couldn't be away from him any longer. I missed him so so so much. He is my everything. I know he is sorry because no guy would ever do this if they were this sorry. I jumped into Jordan's arms. He hugged me tightly.

"I forgive you Jordan." Jordan placed his lips on mine. The kiss was so nice and slow and sweet. I missed this so much. I know what he did but I don't want to be away from him. I love him so much. He did do something wrong but he will pay for it.

"Isabel lets go home." Jordan grabbed my hand and walked me to his car. Jordan helped me in it. He drove back to the house. When we got there I went and checked on my babies. I kissed them on their foreheads. They were fast asleep. I went and got in the shower. When I was ready Jordan walked into the room with just his boxers on.

"Nope no sir."


"You mister is sleeping on the coach."

"Oh please Isabel please."

"Nope time to go. Love you good night." I handed him his pillow then crawled into bed. I heard him walk down the stairs. I turned over so I can get some sleep. Its been a few minutes and I am still not asleep. An hour or two passed and I was still not asleep. I walked down stairs to see if Jordan was asleep. When I saw Jordan was asleep I shook him awake.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep, come sleep with me." Jordan grabbed his pillow and his blanket. I grabbed his hand and walked up the stairs. I settled into bed. I felt Jordan come behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I really love this.

"Good night Isabel I love you."

"I love you too." I then drifted off to sleep.

Is it love? or Is it Protective love? (ON HOLD UNDER RECONSTRUCTION)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat