Chapter 27

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~Chapter 27~

Isabel's POV

I started to get nervous. I wonder what is so important that we had to go in his office?

"Ok well there is two important things. Ok the first one we have to start planning yall wedding. Two we also have to start on the plans for the building Isabel wants to build. Plus I have to ask y'all a very important question." Ok good. I thought it was something like really bad. Im glad its just that.

"Ok so which one should we start first?"

"I'll let Isabel pick dad."

"Ok, Isabel which one do you want to start first with?" I started thinking. I really don't know which one I want to do first oh well I will just pick one.

"Lets start with the wedding."

"Ok great. Let me call in Grace because she really wanted to be here when you started planning."

"Sounds just like mom."

"Well of course it sounds just like your mother cause it is your mother." I totally got confused. I'm not going to lie I really did. Now I know where Jordan gets all of his confusion from. Mrs. Grace came into the room. She had looked really happy. She went and sat on Mr. Tom's lap.

"Ok dad what is the very important question, i want to hear that first." Jordan said.

"Well yall know the house a next door. The really big one just a little bit bigger than our house?"

"Yea dad what about it?"

"Well the people are selling the house. And tomorrow we can go look around it if yall want to. What do yall say?" I looked at Jordan with a smile. I nodded my head.

"Yea, we want to see it."

"Ok good. Now for the wedding plans. To start off do y'all want a big wedding or a small one?"
Jordan looked at me. How i have a feeling i will be answering all of these question.

"I want a small one, since I don't have any friends and it would be weird if we invite a whole lot of people and then I don't know them."

"You have a good point Isabel. Ok now what colors are yall going to use?" Mrs Grace asked.

"Umm well we haven't really thought about that. But I know I want to use white. I know it maybe weird but I really want to use white."

"I like that. We could maybe use blue?" I turned to look at Jordan those were pretty colors. I smiled and nodded.

"Ok well for now we can stop with the wedding because there is a lot of planning to do and what not so we can handle that another but mostly lets go ahead and start planning for the building. Ok Isabel we will be doing a lay out of everything you want. We will hire construction workers, lawyers just in case, painters, and a lot of other people so they can help make this building happen." I nodded my head, I can't wait till the building is finally open. There was a knock at the door. Tony had walked in.

"Isabel Kiara is crying and won't stop."

"Ok I'm coming." I went out of the office and picked up Kiara. I had changed her diaper and grabbed a bottle. I walked back into the office. I sat back down in the chair and started feeding Kiara.

"Ok so where were we?"

"So Isabel the big question is, when do you want to start building the place?" Wow that is a good question.

"As soon as we can. I want this to be built really soon."

"Ok, so I can make a few phone calls and we can try to build it lets say next week Saturday?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Ok then all set. Ok well yall can go ahead and get ready for bed cause I want to see the house early so we can make a decision so we can get the house tomorrow well at least try to that is."

"ok, fine by us dad. Goodnight mom and dad we shall see yall in the morning."

"Good night sweetie. Good night Isabel."

"Good night." We walked out of the room I went and layed Kiara down. I kissed both of the girls on top of their head and walked out of the room. I went in the room and saw Jordan already in bed.

"Tired?" I asked as I walked into the room.


"You're not the only one, with all of the traveling everyone is tired."

"I know. I can't wait till we get a day off. Like us just stay in the house with the girls and relax and just sit back."

"We will get that soon Jordan. We just got to do a few things first. And if we do get the house then we will have a lot of time to relax."

"You got a point. Well come on lets get to bed so we can get up and see this house."

"Ok, let me change my clothes first." I grabbed one of Jordan's shirts that was really big on me and some sweat pants. I had walked into the bathroom. I screamed. There was writing all over the walls. It looked like paint it said 'Go to Hell Isabel' on the wall. I heard Jordan walk in.

"Isabel what's... What the hell?" I heard one of the girls cry. I walked into their room. I turned on the light but they weren't in their beds.

"JORDAN!!!" Oh my god. Where is my babies? I heard Jordan run in.

"Shit!" I ran down the hall to Mr. Toms office. I opened the door. Mrs. Grace, Mr. Tom, and Tony was in there.

"Isabel what's wrong?"

"The girls are gone. Me and Jordan was getting ready for bed I went in the bathroom and it said 'Go to hell Isabel' then I heard one of the girls cry then we went to go check on them and they weren't in the room’ Tony and Mr. Tom got up and ran out of the office. Mrs. Grace came and gave me a hug.

"Isabel get down here quick!" I ran out of the room and down stairs. Tony handed me a note.
'You won't get her two babies until I get what I want. And you know I want you. So come to my house before midnight or bye bye babies for you.'
Of course its my dumb ass father.

"Isabel do you know who its from?"

"Its from my darling father. And if I don't go to the house before midnight he said its bye bye babies. Jordan hurry and drop me off. Better yet call the cops and because he is going to get arrested. Now come on." I ran upstairs to get on some shoes. I ran back downstairs. I ran outside to Jordan's car. Jordan sped all the way down to my house. I was getting really scared. I got out the car and ran inside the house.

"I see you got my note Isabel."

"Yes I did now I want my kids."

"You will get them, as soon as I get what I want from you. If I cant get it then you won't see your darling daughters again." I heard one of the girls cry. I was about to run but daddy grabbed me by the throat and threw me on the wall.

"Remember what I said. I get what I want first then you can get your kids." His hands started roaming down my body. He tried to place his lips on mine but I moved out of the way. When he went for it again I heard the front door bust open. In came 5 cops. 2 of the cops got my dad down on the floor and arrested him. I ran upstairs. I heard crying come from my old room. I walked in and found my babies on the bed. I was so happy they were ok. I grabbed both of them. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I saw Jordan and a cop come up.

"Are yall ok?"

"yea, I guess." Jordan grabbed Annabelle from me.

"Come on Isabel." Jordan grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs. I got in the backseat and I sat the twins on my lap while Jordan drove us back home. This was the most scariest night of my whole night. I'm glad I found out who did it, and they got arrested. Jordan pulled up at the house. Jordan grabbed Annabelle and then helped me out of the car. When we got in the house I went upstairs and laid Kiara on the bed. I went in the twins room so I could move the cribs.

"Isabel what are you doing?"

"I am moving the cribs in our room so they can be closer and safer to me." Jordan walked over and helped me moved the cribs when we got the cribs in the room I put both of the twins in their crib. I went and washed up and got into bed. Jordan came in and wrapped his arms around me.

"Isabel everything is ok. He got arrested Isabel everything should be much better now. Ok? Now baby just please relax for me baby."

"Ok." Jordan kissed the top of my head. I then drifted off to sleep.

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