* Aunt Leela *

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   (This scenario is going to be about Leela and her nephews and niece. I hope you guys will enjoy it)!

   Leela was laying on her bed in her dorm when she got a call from her older sister Terra. "Hey Terra!" Leela answered, picking up the phone. "Hi Leela! Can I ask you for a favor?" Terra asked. "Sure what's up?" Leela asked. "Leo, Robert, Angelina, and I are going out and we don't have a babysitter for Luke, Aiden, and Hazel. Do you mind if you can watch them? I'll pay you." Terra asked. "Dude you don't need to pay me! I'll do it for free!" Leela said. "Thank you! We might be back after midnight so you can sleep at my house. That's where the kids will be." Terra explained. "Oh ok! I'll go get my stuff. See you later!" Leela said. "See you!" Terra said before they hung up.

   Leela got up from bed and grabbed a bag and started packing some things she'll need. "Where are you heading off to?" Jisung asked. "My sister wants me to babysit my nephews and niece. I'll be back tomorrow." Leela explained. "Wait tomorrow? Why?" Jeongin asked. "Terra said they'll probably be back by midnight. Terra said I can sleep at her place." Leela said. Jeongin nodded in understanding. After Leela finished, she went to the rest of her members and told them where she'd be. After telling everyone, she left her dorm and walked to her sister's house.

   Leela texted her sister that she was outside and eventually, the door opened and Leela went inside. "Thank you so much for coming! Our babysitters cancelled on us last minute and we had no options." Terra said. "No need to thank me. I wanna spend time with the babies." Leela said. Just then, two pairs of footsteps rushed down the stairs. "Imo! Imo!" The small voices yelled. (A.N, "Imo" means "aunt" in Korean). "Hi little ones!" Leela exclaimed, bending down to hug the two little boys. The oldest, Luke, had turned 5 in March 2019. Aiden, the younger one, had turned 2 the same month. "Did you miss me?" Leela asked excitedly. "Yeah!" Aiden said in his squeaky voice. "What are you doing here?" Luke asked. "Well kiddo, Imo Leela is gonna watch over you two and Hazel while we're gone. Isn't that fun?" Leo asked. "YAY!!!" Luke screamed. Leela giggled. "I'm staying here all day with you!" Leela said. This caused Luke to be even more excited.

   Leela got up and looked around. "Where's my baby girl?" Leela asked. Angelina chuckled and went to get Hazel. "Yay Hazel!" Leela exclaimed, making grabby hands. Angelina put Hazel in her arms and Leela lightly bounced Hazel up and down. Hazel had just turned 1-years-old that month, which was December. Leela had a close bond with Luke and Aiden but she felt extremely close with Hazel. Hazel was the only niece she had left. Her niece Miriam passed away in September 2017 due to SIDS. Leela had taken it really hard when she died. Now that Hazel was born, Leela wanted to protect her so that nothing will happen to her.

   "Ok Leela. We're leaving now. You know how to take care of them right?" Robert asked. "Of course I do!" Leela said. "We'll see you later Leela. Bye!" Angelina said. Leela waved goodbye to them and they left. Once they left, Leela turned to Luke and Aiden. "Do you guys wanna play?" Leela asked. "Yeah!" Luke and Aiden exclaimed. Leela smiled and they went off to the playroom that they had.

   "So what should we play?" Leela asked setting down Hazel. "Can we play dress up?" Luke asked. "Of course we can! Do you wanna play dress up Aiden?" Leela asked. Aiden nodded excitedly. "What about you Hazel?" Leela asked. Hazel couldn't really understand so she smiled brightly, which Leela took as a yes. "Ok let's see what we have. We have a knight armor and a sword! Let's play Knights and Dragons!" Leela said as she looked through the chest with clothes. "I'll be the knight! Hazel can be the princess and I'll save her from Aiden who is the dragon!" Luke said. "But I wanna be a princess!" Aiden said. "Princesses are for girls!" Luke said. "No no Luke. Princesses aren't just for girls. Anyone can be a princess." Leela said. Luke nodded. "Hm. Maybe Hazel could be a dragon!" Leela said, trying to come up with a plan. "Ok. Hazel can be the dragon and Aiden can be the princess. But what about you?" Luke asked. "What would you like me to be?" Leela asked. "Can girls be knights?" Luke asked. "Anyone can be a knight!" Leela explained. "Then you are a knight!" Luke said. The boys began getting their costumes on while Leela grabbed a dragon onesie that Aiden used to wear when he was Hazel's age and put it on Hazel. The game began.

MIN LEELA// Stray Kids 9th MemberUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum