* Heartbroken *

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   (Before you guys freak out, Leela and Jeongin are not in a relationship yet. This scenario is gonna be about some dude Leela dated. And once again, pretend the JYP dating ban doesn't exist. I hope you guys will enjoy this scenario)!

   Leela has been dating a classmate of hers for about 3 months now. She was still a bit shy in the relationship but her boyfriend didn't mind. Or at least she thought he didn't mind. Dongil, her boyfriend was kind of popular in her school. To her surprise, he caught interest in Leela, who was extremely quiet and shy and always sat alone during lunch and sat in the back of the classroom and by herself. Not that Leela was complaining though. She had a bit of a crush on him. Which she kinda felt bad about because she was pushing her feelings for Jeongin away.

   When her and Dongil first started dating, Chan acted like an overprotective father. He demanded to know everything about him. Changbin and Jisung acted like overprotective older brothers. Leela was used to both of these things. Woojin was happy for Leela and gave her support. The rest of the boys gave her advice. Jeongin was hurting on the inside but tried not to let it show. He cared about Leela and all he wanted was her happiness.

   Currently, Leela was in school. She couldn't really attend school a lot because of busy schedules but she did attend most of the time. She sat across from Dongil in the cafeteria, who was on his phone. "Hi Dongilie!" Leela greeted excitedly. Dongil looked up at her. "Hey." Dongil said looking back down. Leela tilted her head. Something was up. Dongil was never usually like that. She shook that thought aside. "So guess what?!" Leela said, trying to start a conversation. "What Leela?" Dongil asked, still not looking at her. "I got an 87 on my test in Mr. Cho's class! I'm usually pretty bad in science! I guess all that studying paid off! I did get some questions wrong but at least my score was higher than last ti--" Leela rambled before Dongil cut her off. "Dude can you like chill out! You're being annoying with your rambling." Dongil snapped. Leela's smile wilted and completely disappeared off of her face. "Yeah you're right. I'm sorry." Leela said.

   They were quiet for a few minutes before Leela spoke again. "Who are you talking to?" Leela asked. "I'm talking to my friend! What you don't believe me?! Are you being possessive?! Huh?!" Dongil shouted which caused students to look at the table Leela and Dongil sat together. Leela hung her head down and looked to the floor in embarrassment. She didn't mean to sound possessive. She just wanted to know who he was talking to and if that person was the reason why Dongil was snapping at her. Throughout the lunch period, they remained in silence. 

   When Leela walked outside of school, she waited for Dongil in front of the building. Dongil would usually walk Leela home and would sometimes walk her to the JYP Entertainment building. Usually, either her members, siblings, or friends would pick her up. But after Dongil gained their trust, they allowed him to walk Leela home or to the company building. Leela waited a bit more and was getting concerned. She pulled out her phone and texted him.

                                                     Where are

Dongil 💕
My friends are driving
me home. Go walk by yourself.

                                                   Oh. Ok. Get
                                            home safe. Text
                                         me when you get

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