* Caught *

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   (Alright guys! Read on to find out what will happen! I'm pretty sure you could probably guess what will happen though. I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

   It has been about a week since Leela went missing. There have been no new leads to the case since then. Everyone was getting restless. From Stays, to Leela's members, to her family, to her friends. To everyone. Leela's extended family could care less about Leela. The only extended family member that was worried about Leela however, was Leela's grandmother. Her father's mother. The only living grandparent that cares about her.

   Leela's Halmeoni heard the news of her granddaughter's disappearance from her daughter Hyunsook, Leela's aunt. Hyunsook had told her how the news programs believed that Leela's father Hojin kidnapped Leela. Hyunsook and her husband Daehyun didn't think it was true. Gyuri, Leela's Halmeoni however, knew it was true. She knew that both of her children were abusive towards her youngest grandchild. Hojin became abusive after his wife died. Hyunsook became abusive because she thought Leela was the cause of Hojin's turmoil. When Leela came to Korea in 2016, she came to Busan first to learn Korean. When Leela got Korean wrong, Hyunsook would mentally and physically abuse her.

   Gyuri was completely angry and disappointed at both of her children. She couldn't believe they would put their hands on a small child for no reason. Leela didn't deserve any pain she felt. Gyuri was sitting on the couch watching TV, hoping to see any news stories about Leela. Just then, her grandson Hyunsik rushed in. "Eomma! Appa! Look!" Hyunsik yelled. "Hyung don't yell! You'll wake up Halabeoji!" Daewon, Gyuri's other grandson said. "Sorry. It's really important." Hyunsik said. "What is it Hyunsik?" Hyunsook asked, wiping her hands with a kitchen towel. "It was revealed that Hojin samchon found Leela's number and was texting her and threatening her! The texts were released!" Hyunsik said showing his parents his phone.

   Gyuri shut her eyes. She knew her son like the back of her hand. He would do something like that. "Ugh that is all complete lies! Leela or someone else must've fabricated those texts." Hyunsook said. "What happened?" Gyuri's husband Haeil asked. "They're claiming that Hojin texted Leela and threatened her prior to her disappearance. They claim that this is evidence that Hojin kidnapped Leela." Hyunsook explained. "That is complete bullshit!" Haeil exclaimed. "Abeoji!" Hyunsook and Daehyun yelled in unison. "Eomma I'm 17. No need to stifle curse words from me." Daewon said. "What do you think about this Eomeoni?" Hyunsook asked.

   Gyuri looked over at her daughter. "I think they're right." Gyuri said. "What?!" Hyunsook exclaimed. "So you believe these bullshit articles over your own son?!" Haeil yelled. "I know both of my children like the back of my hand. Hojin started abusing Leela shortly after his wife died. And when Leela came to live here to learn Korean, you abused her Hyunsook. And as for you Haeil, Daehyun, Hyunsik, and Daewon, you ignored her and neglected her. That's why she never visits here! She's scared of all of you. She knows that I love her and she misses me. Leela hasn't seen Hojin in three years. Why would she lie about receiving texts from him? Think about that!" Gyuri yelled. Everyone got quiet and looked away. Then, a ding sounded. It was Daehyun's phone.

   "Hojin just texted me. He said he's coming over." Daehyun said. "Let's get ready then." Hyunsook said. Hyunsook and Daehyun went to the kitchen while Hyunsik and Daewon went to their rooms. Haeil grabbed Gyuri's arm and took her to their room. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Haeil asked. "What Haeil?!" Gyuri asked. "I can't believe you don't think your son is innocent!" Haeil said. "Because I know he isn't! Poor Leela is so scared of Hyunsook and Hojin because of what they did to her! It wouldn't surprise me if Hojin did kidnap Leela!" Gyuri explained. "What evidence is there to believe that Hojin kidnapped his own daughter?!" Haeil asked. "The texts message are something he would say! And why would Hojin suddenly be in Korea? He would let us know when he would visit us before leaving to Korea! Why would he tell us when he's in Korea already? And also Angelina. She said specifically that she heard his voice after he grabbed Leela." Gyuri explained again. "You're overanalyzing this Gyuri. Get your mind out of the gutter." Haeil said walking away. Gyuri had to have her granddaughter home safe and sound. She decided to call the police when Hojin got there. 

   Once Hojin arrived, Gyuri acted normal around him. When Gyuri looked at her son, it was as if she was looking at the man that she saw 10 years before. Shortly before his wife died. "Hey samchon!" Daewon called out at the table. "Yes Daewon?" Hojin asked. "Did you hear the news about Leela?" Daewon asked. Gyuri observed Hojin as he was beginning to answer. He looked a bit uneasy. "Uh yeah I have. It's really unfortunate but hey. Not my problem. She's not under my custody." Hojin answered. "They're saying that you kidnapped her. Like they're saying you texted her and threatened her." Hyunsik said. Hojin immediately turned pale. "I knew it. He did do it." Gyuri thought. There was no coincidence that Hojin suddenly arrived in Korea out of the blue and his daughter, who he abused, ends up missing. And the claims that her granddaughter-in-law made about hearing his voice, she knew everything added up. "Well those are complete lies. I would never do that to her." Hojin said. Gyuri shook her head. "I'll be off to my room now. Have fun everyone." Gyuri said before walking off to her room. She shut the door and made sure nobody could hear her. She grabbed the phone and called the police.

   "Ok Hojin stay safe out there!" Hyunsook said. "Yeah please do. Considering all these lies about you, any of Leela's crazy fans could attack you." Daehyun said. "Trust me. I'll be careful." Hojin said. He waved to his family members before leaving the house. Just then, he saw police officers in front of him. "Min Hojin you're under arrest for the kidnapping of your daughter Min Leela." A police officer said while putting handcuffs on him. "Stop! What are you doing to him?!" Hyunsook asked rushing over. "Ma'am please let us do our job." A police officer said. "He's being arrested for kidnapping." Another police officer said. "Noona I didn't do anything!" Hojin yelled as they put him in the car. Gyuri watched from outside of her window as they arrested him. It hurt her to see, but she knew she had to do it. Leela's kidnapper was now caught and arrested.

   (Well there we go y'all! Leela's dad has been caught! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! More coming soon)!  




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