* Found *

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   (The last part of the storyline! I hope you guys will enjoy it)!

   The police in Seoul went to the apartment that Hojin had rented. They went to the bottom floor, where the basement was. Where Leela would finally be found. "POLICE!!!" One of them screamed. He turned the door knob but it was locked. He nodded to another officer, who broke the door down. They went in with their guns drawn, looking around for Leela.

   One police officer spotted Leela, who was laying on her back next to the wall, unconscious. "I got her!" The officer yelled. He spoke into his radio to send a paramedic. Leela stirred a bit as the officer put two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. "She has a faint pulse!" The officer yelled. Eventually, the paramedics came and got Leela out of the basement.

Meanwhile at the Stray Kids Dorm

   The members were all crowded around the living room, waiting for more updates after Angelina told them that Leela's dad had been caught and arrested. Then, Chan's phone rang. He immediately picked it up and answered it. "Hello?!" Chan answered. "Chan! They found Leela! She's in the hospital!" Angelina yelled. "WHAT???!!! THEY DID???!!!" Chan screamed. "Yes! I'm on my way now! I'm calling your manager to pick you guys up!" Angelina exclaimed. "Ok thank you!" Chan said. They then hung up the phone. "Guys! They found Leela!" Chan yelled. "WHAT???!!!" Jisung screamed. "WHERE IS SHE???!!!" Hyunjin screamed. "She's in the hospital! Our manager is coming here to pick us up so we can see her!" Chan said. Everyone was so excited and felt emotional that Leela was finally found. Jeongin burst into tears, extremely grateful that he was one step closer to seeing his girlfriend for the first time in a week.

   When their manager arrived, the boys got in the car and they made their way to the hospital. Once they entered, they checked in and made their way to the waiting room, where Angelina and her 6 month old daughter Hazel were waiting. "Hey Angelina! Any updates?" Woojin asked. "No not yet." Angelina said. They waited a bit before the doctor walked in. "Min Leela?" The doctor asked. Immediately, everyone stood up and walked towards the doctor.

   "Well, she is going to be ok. That's a good thing. She was very bruised up and had cuts on her body. She didn't have enough food or water in her system and she was a bit malnourished and dehydrated. She has a fractured rib and is very weak but other than that, she's ok." The doctor explained. A few of the boys started crying, not wanting to imagine what their maknae went through the past week. "Where's her room?" Angelina asked. "Room 134." The doctor said. They all went to Leela's room.

   "If you guys want, I can go first. I want you guys to have enough time with her." Angelina said. "Go ahead Lina." Chan said smiling. Angelina smiled and walked in to see Leela. "Leela! Thank God you're safe!" Angelina exclaimed as she rushed over to hug Leela. "Angelina!" Leela exclaimed, crying a little bit as she hugged Angelina. They eventually pulled away. "Look who I brought!" Angelina said, holding up Hazel. "My baby!" Leela exclaimed holding out her arms. Angelina put Hazel in Leela's arms. "How are you feeling?" Angelina asked. "I'm ok. How did they find me?" Leela asked. "Someone who lived in the apartment heard you singing. They recognized your voice and called the police." Angelina answered. Leela nodded. "I guess it did work. Somebody did hear me." Leela thought to herself. They talked for a bit more before Angelina decided to bring the boys in. "I have people who wanna see you." Angelina said grabbing Hazel. "Is it who I think it is?" Leela asked in a hopeful tone, hoping that it was her boys. "Well let's see." Angelina said, smiling before leaving the room.

   "You guys can come in now." Angelina said walking out the room. The boys nodded and walked in the room. Chan was the first person in the room. Leela and Chan made eye contact and instantly burst into tears. "My baby!" Chan said running over and hugging Leela. Leela was crying as she hugged Chan. The rest of the boys walked in and saw their leader and maknae hugging. Chan pulled away and kissed Leela's forehead, still crying. He moved aside for the rest of the boys, who burst into tears seeing Leela. "Our baby! You're ok!" Minho cried. "I missed you boys so much!" Leela sobbed out as she hugged the boys one by one. Everyone moved aside for Jeongin, who rushed forward. "Innie!" Leela cried out. Jeongin instantly started crying hearing the nickname that Leela would always call him. "Baby come here!" Leela said holding her arms open. Jeongin rushed to hug her and they both sobbed as they held each other. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry jagiya!" Jeongin sobbed. "Innie no. Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." Leela said as she rubbed Jeongin's back. They both looked at each other. "I love you." Jeongin said. Leela smiled through her tears. "I love you too." Leela said. They both looked at each other and kissed. Oh how they missed that.

MIN LEELA// Stray Kids 9th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now