* Exam Results *

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   (So call me a terrible author because I have not been updating. I apologize for that. Anyways, this scenario is about results of an exam, as you can tell by the title. I hope you guys will enjoy this)!

   Leela has been stressed out for the entire week. She had taken an exam in school and was finally finding out the results that day, which was a few days after she took the exam. Leela worked really hard for it. She would constantly pull all nighters just to study. She was determined to pass the exam.

   The boys felt awful when they would see Leela sleeping on top of her books on the floor, which was the result of the all nighters. Leela didn't get proper sleep and would refuse to sleep until she studied a lot. When Leela finally took the exam, she was so exhausted. She fell asleep a bit during it but would quickly wake herself up. She was so disoriented by the time the exam was over. She straight up took a nap when she got back to the dorm.

   Leela went to school and sat in her seat in the class, nervous about the results. She couldn't focus at all. This was her last class of the day so she felt a bit relieved since she could go home immediately after finding out the results. "Ok everyone. Today's lesson has ended. I have your finished exams here. You will find out your results once they are handed to you. I need two volunteers to hand them out." The teacher said. Two kids raised their hands and were given the exams to hand them out.

   Leela sat there, anxiously waiting for her exam. Then, one of the kids looked over at her and walked over to her. He chuckled and shook his head as he looked at the exam papers in front of him. He handed it to Leela and walked away. Leela closed her eyes and inhaled, looking down at her exam. Her heart sunk almost immediately.

   Her results were a 55 out of 100. She failed the exam even though she studied so hard. Tears pricked at her eyes, threatening to fall. Eventually, class ended and Leela stuffed the exam in her backpack, getting up to leave. Before she was out the door, her teacher stopped her. "I need to talk to you." Her teacher said. Leela nodded and walked over to her. The two kids who were handing out the exams chuckled while staring at her as they left the room. Once all the students left, Leela's teacher shut the door.

   "I am so disappointed in you Leela. You got the lowest score amongst this whole class. Everyone else got 90s or 100s. Some even got 80s. Do you not know how embarrassing that is to have one student get a low score like that? It's like you don't even care! You didn't care to study did you?!" The teacher scolded. "But ma'am, I did study. I studied for awhile before the exam! I really did." Leela said. "I don't believe you! You're the only student in this class and maybe the whole school who gets the lowest grades. That is embarrassing. You need to fix yourself up if you want to graduate. Who knows, maybe you'll drop out. I can definitely see that happening. Now go home." Her teacher said. Leela nodded and bowed, leaving the classroom.

   Leela walked out of school and walked back to her dorm. She was glad that nobody was picking her up. She couldn't have anyone see her like this. She knew she was an embarrassment to the whole school and her class. She knew it. Maybe the teacher was right. Maybe she will drop out of high school. She didn't understand why her brother and sister said high school was fun. They only attended high school in Australia, not Korea. It was probably a lie to reassure her about school.

   Leela was dreading telling her siblings her results. They were both extremely strict when it came to school since they want her to go to college, since they never went. Terra got pregnant with Luke before she had the chance to attend college. Robert however couldn't go because of working at Pledis Entertainment. Leela knew that they would continuously bring her down, thinking it'll help her get better grades, when in fact it was doing the opposite. Terra was far more worst than Robert, which is crazy because he's the oldest and not her.

   Leela stood outside her dorm, feeling anxious. She unlocked the door and entered, locking it behind her. "Hi love! What'd you get?" Felix asked. After asking, he immediately saw the tears trickling down her cheeks. "What's wrong baby?" Felix asked, rushing over to her. The rest of the boys came over, seeing Felix hugging Leela. "What happened little one?" Hyunjin asked. Leela sobbed against Felix's chest, letting out all the tears she held in at school and walking home. Felix sat Leela down on the couch, letting her calm down. The boys piled up around them.

   "I failed my exam!" Leela sobbed out. "I'm so sorry Leelee. You worked hard." Chan said, rubbing Leela's head. The boys took turns hugging her and comforting her. "Do you mind if we see your exam?" Seungmin asked. Leela shook her head and pulled it out from her backpack and showed it to the boys. "Aw. It's ok Leela. We know how much hard work you did." Jisung said. "My teacher told me I got the lowest score amongst my whole class. She didn't believe me when I told her I studied." Leela said. "What?! But you pulled all nighters and worked hard to study! What the fuck is she talking about?!" Minho yelled.

   "She told me it was embarrassing that I was the only one with the lowest score in my class. That I'm the only one in that class and probably the whole school who has the lowest grades. She said I needed to fix myself if I wanted to graduate. But she also said that she thinks I'll drop out. I mean, maybe she's right. I'm an embarrassment to the whole school anyways." Leela said. "Baby, whatever you decide to do, we will support you. We know how much school is affecting you. But your teacher is wrong. You are not an embarrassment to the school. You are an incredible and beautiful person. You don't deserve to feel any stress or sadness. We love you Leela." Chan said.

   Leela smiled and the boys crowded around her and gave her hugs and little kisses on the head. After awhile of sitting on the couch, Leela changed out of her uniform and the boys began spoiling her with snacks and cuddles, wanting to make her feel better. Leela forgot about her exam results for the rest of the day. She was focused on the boys, who always made her feel happy and loved and always cheered her up when she was sad.

   (So there we go guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this scenario! I am so sorry I haven't been updating on Mondays. I feel terrible for that. Anyways, request things you'd like to see! See you soon)!




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