* Headaches *

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   (So this scenario will be about Leela getting headaches. I hope you guys will enjoy it)!

   It was morning in the Stray Kids dorm. JYP Entertainment had given the members a day off due to how much work they've been doing. Everyone was happy that they had a day off and came up with their own plans on what to do that day. Leela, who was still sleeping, had come up with a plan the night before. But now, it'll have to be delayed.

   Leela felt an extreme throbbing pain in her head. Leela woke up and felt terrible. She touched her head and was wincing. She tried to hold her head up but she just couldn't. She was in too much pain. She couldn't even think straight. "Come on please go away." She thought to herself. Whimpers came out of Leela's mouth as she suffered.

   The boys, who were gathered in the kitchen eating breakfast, thought that Leela was still sleeping, since she usually sleeps in on a day off. "Is the baby still sleeping?" Hyunjin asked. "Seems so. She does usually sleep in when it comes to day offs." Seungmin answered. "Should we wait for her to wake up or do we wake her up ourselves?" Jisung asked. "Dude I don't know. I think Leela will probably get mad at you." Changbin said, giggling. "Well, it's worth a shot. It's almost 1 pm anyways. One of you go wake her up." Chan said. "I'll go." Felix said, getting up.

   Felix walked over to Leela's shared room with Jisung and Jeongin and knocked on the door. "Leelee! Come on little one it's time to wake up." Felix said in a soft tone. He put his ear up to the door and heard a little bit of Leela's whimpers. Feeling concerned, he opened the door and saw Leela laying on her bed with her hand on her head. "Honey what happened?" Felix asked, bending down beside her. "My head hurts so badly." Leela quietly said in pain. "Oh no." Felix thought to himself. "I'll be back." He quickly said before running to the kitchen to tell the others.

   "Guys! It's Leela. Her head hurts really badly." Felix said. Everyone instantly stood up and went to Leela's room, making sure not to make too much noise so her head won't hurt more. "Hey what happened?" Chan asked softly. "My head hurts. I don't know what happened I just woke up with this!" Leela whimpered, on the verge of tears because of how bad the pain was. "Poor baby." Minho whispered. "Is there any food good for a headache?" Jisung asked. "I heard coffee was good." Hyunjin said. "Yeah and bananas too." Changbin replied. "Ok so Felix and I will go get some things. Watch over her." Chan said.

   The boys let Jeongin look after Leela. They felt that Leela would be comfortable with only one of them watching her. They couldn't give Leela coffee just yet since she would have to take an aspirin. They didn't have bananas either so they had to wait until Chan and Felix got there. Jeongin watched Leela and kept rubbing her temple to make her feel better. She kept on whimpering and was tearing up. "Innie my head hurts!" Leela cried. Jeongin found himself tearing up seeing his baby in pain. "Why couldn't it be me to get it? Why her?" Jeongin thought to himself.

   Eventually, Chan and Felix arrived. They instantly went to Leela's room. "We're back Leela." Felix said. Leela squinted at them. She could barely open her eyes due to the pain. "Hey." Leela weakly said. Jeongin gave the two Australians a small smile. Chan walked over and held out two aspirins. Leela sat up in bed with the help of Jeongin. Chan put the aspirins in her hand and Felix came over with a water bottle. Leela put the aspirins in her mouth and eventually drank them with the water. "Now go rest a little more ok? Here eat this." Felix said giving Leela a banana, since that was good for headaches. Leela ate it and rested right after.

   Awhile later, Leela woke up from her nap. It was now almost 3 pm. She went into the living room, where all the boys were gathered. "Good afternoon guys!" Leela said cheerfully. "Hi baby! How's your head?" Seungmin asked. "It's better now thank you." Leela said. Then, she noticed that a certain dancer wasn't there with them. "Hyunjin went to go get coffee for you a few minutes ago. He figured you were gonna wake up soon." Changbin said, seeing how Leela was looking for him. Leela nodded. Chan made her some brunch since she hadn't eaten yet.

   While eating, Hyunjin had come back to the dorm, having a huge smile on his face seeing Leela awake and eating. "How are you doing sweetheart?" Hyunjin asked, kissing her temple. "I'm ok Jinnie." Leela said. "This is for you. The way you like it." Hyunjin said, putting a cup on the table. "Thank you!" Leela said, drinking the coffee. Hyunjin smiled at the maknae and ruffled her hair before sitting with the rest in the living room.

   For the rest of the day, Leela didn't feel anymore pain and continued with her original plans. The boys of course kept worrying about her and wouldn't stop bombarding her with calls and texts. Leela didn't mind since she knew the boys were just concerned about her wellbeing. When they did call and text, she would reassure them that she was fine. That headache was definitely the worst one she's ever had.

   (There it was! I hope you guys enjoyed that! Request me some more scenarios or other things you'd like to see)!











MIN LEELA// Stray Kids 9th MemberWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu